Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Look how many of vetex’s posts i have liked bro
if he said that, I WOULD KNOW

also, finding the island is one thing, surviving the level 600 Atlanteans is a whole different issue

what about that one riddle when the game released was that ever solved

I don’t believe I’ve heard.

I don’t think it was, but we might be able to figure it out once the story reaches a certain point

ppl when they have to grind hours and days for a purple name: this is alright
ppl when they have to grind an hour to change their magic: this is absurd!!
be thankful we dont need to grind another acrimony just to change our magic

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i believe there’s a post somewhere on the forums about it, lemme see if I can link it

I mean, i’ve already got five.

its based off what the release trailers text said, something about a furnace is all i remember

There is a Tech’s riddle back from WoM times, that never was solved. Try searching “Riddle” in the Search panel.

This is just for a silly little title, doing it is completely optional

an hour is fine, but if it is 10-5% like what you say it is gonna be like 3-5 hours :skull:

I am gonna be totally honest here, I think acrimony should work as a magic reset item too. It litterly resets EVERYTHING ELSE, it makes no sense for it to not work on magic :skull:

Arcane Odyssey Riddle this is what i meant

Well, from what I can tell just looking at this riddle part 1 thing, it seems to be even more hinting towards the player’s relation to Zeus.

I mean, “Golden Ichor” “Ichor” is blood of the gods.
“Furnace that burns still” “INHERIT it’s will”

And then lightning in the background
Seems clear-cut besides the other two.

the issue is that afking until you reach the far reaches then sailing around for an hour to find a magic reset isnt gameplay, its purposeless tedium

how it is now is fine, the effort is going to the far reaches and not having to pray to rng and thats how it should be

this is like saying wom’s enchant system was better because getting a sturdy sunken sword just encourages you to keep grinding

bro its per island and the rates of it spawning are being increased calm down, u can literally do this while hopping siren islands in i4 for optimal dsc bro its too easy

read above

i am thankful we dont need an acrimony, the point im arguing is that you complaining about it being too common makes no sense

it is too common for how simple it is to get
i know i mentioned grinding earlier but shit sitting on your ship and just looking is not that grindy bro especially if ur doing siren islands


why tf does it need to be grindy tho
its litterly just a magic reset
like imagine if beserkers had to redo the entire fighting style quest whenever they wanted to change
“Oh you want sailor style again? Go find 3 more sharks”

That wouldn’t be nearly as bad, even accounting for mastery

Sailor style is bleeding throwables in the water, or just whales
Thermo is just digging up a bag
the only hard one is Boxing at early levels.

its not

cuz lore reasons say that changing ur stats is impossible so why should changing ur magic be any easier
u can always learn a different fighting style, equip different weapon/spirit weapon, but u cant just equip a new magic and call it a day, that’s why its hard

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