Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The amount of power builders would have with full lore…

Builders with the full lore of the game would just foreshadow things constantly

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and as we all know, the real secret in Palo town is :fr:

Food is food I will devour

It’s not like I think every wilderness island should be entangled with lore somehow. That’s just a bad idea. I just think value should be found in exploration of wilderness islands.

cant wait for the deep lore at goso jungle, (its that Wotan is a wood tangler)

The “what happened here” wilderness islands are cool, but having more of the “oh this is nice” sort of ones is not something I would complain about

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I am incompetent here, since I don’t know how all of that looks from the inside. But I feel like it is worth trying to learn something from Tech. No doubts that they could tell some interesting and mysterious story that wouldn’t break AO’s lore. If they wish ofc.

Maybe, idk.

Tech giving “Arcane Universe Lore” class, after they with vetex retconned and re-wrote lore 5 times in a month.


the arcane chronicles are taking up 2/3rds of development time

There’s a couple things I think AO lacks in terms of worldbuilding. One of which is music. I might explain this more in its own topic because one, it’s not really related and two AO does have music. It’s got a soundtrack. The soundtrack just unfortunately… feels lacking in some very specific aspects.

The other thing, more related to what Cryo said here, is individuals.
This is on a grand scale, Arcane Odyssey is yet to have it’s Trigno, Rupin and Averill. We’re closer to this with Legendary Ships on the line, Evander, Dusk, Leviathan, more Grand Navy and Assassin members, etc.

However this is also on a minor scale. Stuff that does not affect, and will not affect the wider world. I want to know about the poet who lived on that shoreline before their house was destroyed in a storm. I want to know about the young mage who set out from a town to find lost scrolls and is set to return home in a few months. I want to know about the cultural traditions of a small town, people with personal ambitions that they wish to reach. “I’m gonna climb the stepstones one day.” “I can’t wait to join the Grand Navy”
I want to know about the fisherman who traded some fish for a safe passage with a pirate ship. I want to know about the guy trying to write a book. I want to know about stuff which honestly doesn’t need to be mentioned for the game to work. There doesn’t need to be a deep connection with the wider lore. Ninety percent of the playerbase might ignore it but for others it might be the difference between playing a game in a dead world, and in an alive one.
AO has some of this. The rare npc has a family, or mentions a whirlpool, or something they’ve been doing. But for one, this only really applies to the major islands we find. And two, by the time we’re at Sameria a lot of the more personal sides of the characters are not shown.

Every single character we get a chance to meet is also on their own Odyssey. Their story that needs to be told, even if its just a piece.


Yeah I agree with this

If vetex brings back the wom soundtrack we are so winning

Okay here’s the full topic if anybody wants to read my opinions on making AO feel more alive via both music and character.

Keep Arcaning

you mean like how high spirit energy is no longer the prereq for magic circles but vetex hasn’t updated the lore doc for that :skull:?



AO’s fighting style mentors aren’t nearly as memorable as AA’s, for whatever reason. It’s hard to pinpoint why exactly. I’d love to see the fighting style mentors relate to other characters and get their own lore.

more islands + no nostalgic feeling from finding a random outlier island that happened to have someone.

ao exploration is a lot less memorable because of the map