Epic forum quotables

top rank in fishing sim 2023


We speak true that you dont see.

what i said is true

this community is magnificent


This man went with me to insanity 5 range but got throwed off the ship by a wave. Never was him again untill now

you can never cook someone enough

as a sequel to that

Add moaning and screaming voicelines while the player would do the procedure while agroing any combatant npc nearby to the list

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I love watching frogs moan

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Vatrachos users :skull:

(Credit to stellarii_xx)

yet again
self explanatory

Coughs rougly. Ignore the shameless self-promotion.

Meanwhile me having a PFP of the Australian Army.

as if losing all your social credits weren’t enough 低等公民一塊社會積分都沒了,你這條鬼仔完蛋了…

your forums history has attracted the attention of me and my gank squad… 你的討論區歷史記錄和活動引起了我哥們的注意… we have all your personal information and will pay you a visit soon… 我們已收集你所有的個人資料, 只需要一個晚上即時把這傢伙扔進牢裏…

如果您毫不猶豫, 更多的社會信用將從你的個人資料中打折, 從而導致口糧供應減少… finna run your pockets, sleep with one eye open defector…

enjoy your all expenses paid trip to a xinjiang uyghur reeducation camp 我將把你送到新疆維吾爾自治區那邊的再教育營請假

為黨爭光! Glory to the CCP!

Me suffering trying to read traditional Chinese. (I ran it through a translate later in the end).

No… No you don’t have to do this… I beg you…