Explain your pfp and name

I know this has been made before but, haha idk i just wanna see it again
Explain what is your pfp and why you have it, also your name
i start
This is my current roblox avatar and i just took a screenshot in this game that i made (Its just a testing game where i test my studio skills) and my name is just a shortened version of my roblox name Aquerty156, also i have this pfp bc i like my avatar and didn’t know what to put haha.


Alr my user. It started as my roblox user Theoofderp but some dumbass called me theo which pisses me off to the extreme (:fu: ) and my pfp. idk I just looked for a red e with black background bc I cant find a good pfp

alr I’m logging out again

always wondered what was your pfp

pfp i dunno its just a boat drawing i cant think of any better pfps so black and white boat drawing are cool

name already explained in another post :innocent:

yeah your pfp is cool

name is the number six in mandarin, my pfp is my dickbroken character (a thieving, scavenging gremor who wears other people’s masks)

i remember whn u got froggit as your pfp

yep, another banger

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at that time i joined the forums (i think)


Big titty man title where

when i find a man with big tiddies

small tiddy man

name snipe

@EtherealR made it in a draw pfp thread one time

my name is my name with txt at the end and my pfp is luffy staring at a phone

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username: my username used to be raymanglobox4, which some aa players may recognize. i loved rayman origins as a kid, so I used main character names and that was my 4th account since I kept forgetting my password.
(raymanglobox, raymanglobox2, raymanglobox3, raymanglobox4)
after many years of this username, I started looking for a new one. as I was asking friends for ideas, somebody asked me my name, which is Axel. he suggested Rayman_Axel as a joke, but I liked it and kept it.

pfp: promotional art from Shin Megami Tensei V, one of my favorite games

Ran out of ideas for a name on discord and just choose this one when I was like 8. As for the pfp, it’s just a screenshot from one of those extensions that would change your homepage and I just stole it, don’t even remember name of the extension anymore
I wonder if they can copyright me

My pfp is a commision based off of my Roblox avatar

The avatar was made by me, drawing by @IchikotheGirlBoss

Basically my username is just an autistic mispronounciation of my name Cameron

being called a noob by new players for being good at the game too much that i changed my username to a variant of it, and im currently in searing agony (pfp)

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current pfp is just something i made in paint out of boredom
username is simple
W stands for Watermelon, or Walon ( no i do not like eating watermelon, im too lazy to spit the seeds out )
M stands for Melissa ( my first (wind) file in WoM’s name )
and Drayal is, well,
just Drayal

also W.M.D is short for Weapon of Mass Destruction
i have no idea what that is but it sounds fun