Fighting Style Lab

Post any ideas you guys have for fighting styles here so others can critique and add onto it so that it may be seen in the suggestions channel in the future.
I’ll start, a fighting style that you get from being cursed by a dragon you defeat in the dark sea. It gives you enhanced fighting potential at a certain drawback (hence it being a curse)


4 arm fighting style maybe a warlock only fighting style idk how you use it normally but the stats would probaly be like stronger damage and then slower attack speed and then maybe a bit bigger size since its 4 arms

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Dance of Death

(Or preferably something less Edgey. Placeholder name though.)

Primary Function: A “Style Meter” This builds by using different moves. Using the same move in the span of ten seconds reduces style. Using different moves increases it. While the style bar is empty, all cooldowns are longer but at max, your cooldowns AND energy cost go down by a lot.

It rewards fast, creative gameplay. You have to think on your feet constantly, as using the same move too quickly starts killing your meter, but you could choose to willingly kill the meter to perform a NASTY combo with that reduced cooldown.

It’s not my best, but I figured I’d posit the most problematic idea I have and let people critique it than the other ones I’m more confident in.


If it’s dance based, how about Capoeira for the name?

I WAS GOING TO NAME IT THAT! But I didnt know if people want the LITERAL names for actual martial arts.

literally anything that doesn’t have a goddamn bar

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I mean, I have an idea for a style based on Silat that’s supposed to have really fast, strong hits but like zero size whatsoever (Kinda like lightning)

so peak, keep cooking brother

Airheaded Style

imagine thermo, but instead of gaining speed by filling a bar you gain speed by lowering your own air bar

exclusive to this style, is a technique that allows you to hold your breath, depleting your air at the same rate that being underwater does

do not try this at home, please

“Silat Rushdown!”

Some name that has to do with Blinding

Decent Damage and Speed, mediocre Size. Basically blind-based Magics in a Fighting Style, blackening the screen as the player recieves more stacks from this style. Armor could possibly grant Intensity and Agility.

Other than that, the best I can think of are additions to Karate and Knocking Fist. Karate could grant passive Resistance while charging attacks, since some forms of Karate focus on stronger stances. Knocking Fist could probably get a dizzying screen effect like in General Julian’s cutscene.

Also sort of related, but I always think of Knocking Fist as having green lightning for some reason?

1 punch style.

knocking fist is already planned but it would be so cool if at max levels/mastery we could do some CRAZY stuff with it like knocking out large areas like in Toriko

some manga pages

maybe not as extreme as that example but you get my drift

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I will riot if Knocking Fist gets scrapped. I yearn for the revised AA concepts.

hope you don’t mind if i put these here


Static Skull

Faster than basic but with less size this style has electrifying effects by launching yourself headfirst with all attacks. This fighting style makes all it’s skills teleport and act much like ethereal flash automatically going the full distance unless another enemy is in the path. The downside is end lag being much longer.

Visually, charging a skill or energy makes your hair gain lightning effects as it gets statically charged. No gimmick unless you count lightning effect teleporting and higher end lag

Flex Fire

This fighting style is about charging your attacks with the less damage than boxing. By charging your attacks you will get some resistance while charging and during the attack. Charging your attacks are much more effective and increase the damage exponentially. Why does this happen? You compress all your muscles together and release it all at once resulting in more damage. Spamming attacks will not work for this style (which means it will be zoned). Depending on how much you charge determines how fast and big the attacks are. base attacks all have .8 without charging (the lowest i think)

Visually while charging an attack and energy you would get the muscles gamepass temporarily. When your release charge or your end lag starts it all goes back to normal. when your end lag starts it instantly goes back to normal. If you have the muscles gamepass equipped then it works oppositely.

Personally my best one was dirty boxing

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Yall cooking


It’s a cutting type fighting style that inflicts bleed and has a higher chance to cut limbs. It’d be like wielding a sword without actually holding anything. A bit like no sword style that Zoro uses now that I think about it.


It targets the enemy’s nerve ends to cause paralysis. It’d be cool to be able to poke eyes to cause blind.

Pocket Sand (Skill Scroll)

What it says. Inflicts blind or whatever the sand status is called.

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Also boosting this


(never thought I’d hear the term NAAAAAAASTY COMBO outside of my friend group)