Forsmakens's Small Amulets,wizard armor shop

Forsmakens's Small Amulets,wizard armor shop
convenience 3.0 2 fairness 3.0 1 trustworthiness 3.333333333333333 3


add more boss drops if you want to make this a long time shop

ok thanks for the info

When you get a large stock make small tabs like these stores also you dont really need to display your common items

The Last Drip Bender's Shop. (This is the best store btw)


You seem promising but there are a few things that i have to critique


We don’t need screenshots of your inventory just hide details and list what is useful
Use these for reference

Misinput's Shop

MrNormalBox's Normal Shop

Nuclear's department store


The meta gear is underwhelming IMO. there are no items i would personally use for PVP other then the magic speed amulets. Keep farming

plug shame!

@Derp @Misinput am i wrong

Why isnt mine there?

goofy ass didn’t plug me

Not in the top 3 what can i say :man_shrugging:

no you plug also im laz

I plugged you :pensive:

1 Like

U agreeing with me?

No you got no plug haha

U got a store i can rate

Yeah here
My shop

@Misinput personally if i were u i would not let him take my credit like that

bro im richer than you why you gotta do this, im the reason u not broke rn. I told you to go on forums

and i helped him up from the slumps of value obliviousness :yawning_face: