How would you name your ship?

Im following the IRL naming system of Navy Ships, like USS and HMS, but with my names

I think the name Heron’s crest would work much better for a boat name than pink perfidy, honestly.

i wouldnt

My ship is going to be named the cookie cruiser!!! :cookie::cookie::cookie::boom::boom::boom:

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I’d name mine “The Glory Flame” from Arcane Reborn

Named my ship in AR this, might do it in AO. I got away with it as well

Well since I’m going with the wood element on my third file I’ll call my ship the
Curly Makore.

Captain Philips legacy is my ship

Sand eater

Probably something like The Twilight Wake, The Scorched Rose or Charring Lotus

I would name my boat…
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i would name my boat Earth’s Emissary
my character is earthy so the boat is what connects the land :earth_magic_var4: to the sea :water_magic_var3: (also alliteration :fire:)

Actually I would name my ship…
Sea Stroller?

I named my ship Azophyl because it matches the character better

And it’s just a cool name in general

All those polls for nothing

Named my ship “The Strong Bull” for a bit in reference to Strong Bow

man i just named my ship UwUoWo i just done the bare minimum

Haki’s Golden Grace

Named after the golden retriever belonging to one of my OCs

Wow the topic got revived

I have seen some odd ship names

Walts math lab
The furry
UwU ship
Me and Morden’s bed

Yeah… I have made a screenshot of the last one but I don’t have it now


I found it :skull: