If you had the choice to make the AO devs do 1 thing, what would it be?

maybe it improves upon an aspect of your character, like zeus increasing your projectile speed, hermes increasing your dash distance, etc etc

I swear everyone in-game is boarderline atheistic despite the world being literally derived of Greek mythology. Not only that, but none of the cultures or architecture spare one is reminiscent of Greece. The people in Ravenna were wearing frickin’ tee-shirts and hoodies for God’s sake.

Vetex, please, give the game a pinch of flavor. There’s a reason most worldbuilders try to take inspiration from places besides medieval Europe.


Rework renown hunts into a system where you get a random players poster (anyone, across all servers assuming they have around the same renown as you)

  1. Reduces toxicity
  2. Fixes boosting
  3. Makes renown competitive
  4. Since hunting isn’t abusable anymore, non-abusable rewards for pvp hunting can be added


“One finger curls on the monkey’s paw”

hold on… did this man just cook?


It might be time to post it as a forum suggestion…

If hunts are random then what about rivals?

You’d be able to hunt them like usual

I feel like I’ve seen that exact idea before

Raise the max level capacity to level one thousand

I want to use flare magic as a savant

it’d probably only apply for pvp hunts, pve hunts would work as normal

remove atlantean modifier

didnt u say like u suggested something about hunts in the private server, is it this thing?

no, something like this isn’t up to the balance team


Never talk again please

I shalltsake your word as law.
Any of your wishes is a command my lord and saviour iny332yes :pray:

it should also take player kills into account so that people with high renown but low player kills get matched with other people that have high renown but low player kills to fix the unintuitive issue of “keep this number low so you don’t get targeted”

I’d have them hand over the balancing to a random forumer. Because at least then the balance changes may have a chance of making sense.

Like seriously, what on earth is the recent Agility stuff?

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people are accusing bteam of being sick of runners from what i’ve seen, so they’re nerfing agility to make that not happen anymore

from an actual balance standpoint even vetex hates agility and would remove it if it wouldn’t cause an outrage, so the next best thing to do is to change it into something that isn’t as toxic overall

the problem here stems from how this is going to negatively affect darksea