I'm not on board with this

I'm not on board with this https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/6/7/675ac72ab5d4c4bd6a495e125688b383e63f6f72.png
effort 3.444444444444445 9 quality 2.666666666666667 9 reasonability 2.6 10

tbf it’s more designed for mid-end game if anything
apparently it’s gonna be like 30k or whatever there’s no fucking way a freshie’s gonna grind that much without having to actually push themselves
The downside may be it’s gonna be way too fucking expensive to repair. I’m unsure how shipwrights work but if they charge by HP amount and not HP percentage it’ll definitely drain your wallet if you ram into too much things like i do

you are definitely not on board with this
(pun intended)

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This suggestion is incredibly well composed, but I dislike the content of the suggestion heavily. I think that making ships into a mobile base instead of just a mode of transportation will make the game much more engaging and immersive (also its just really cool). Also, the workbenches in the cabin simply removes tedium and makes the process much quicker and streamlined.


You’ve only seen Youtubers with 20k? All 3 of them?? :sob: Stop living under a rock

yea “I think that making ships into a mobile base” yea I also liked this idea
but the part I dislike is how there is no build-up to it you go from nothing to being able to do just able to do everything besides shopping and opening sealed chests

I would be more welcoming to it if there was something like that on the cheaper/smaller ships

(shameless plug)

Random add-on ideas for ships

Yeah you are right I don’t watch arcane odyssey youtubers. I also dont know how many galleons other people have so it really seems like youtubers or renown sweats.

I have like 150k bounty on my best account, and like 130-150 hours, while still having like 80k galleons earned, it HEAVILY depends on the type of person

Nice pun in the title btw

crazy levels of hating ngl

i literally struggle to reach above 1k galleons regularly bro not all ytbers are the same

I can easily get over 1k, but grinding to 20k just seems… boring. Even if it’s somehow easy or not risky I feel like it would be really boring just doing cargo in general. I feel like getting to 20k is too high of a requirement to prove that you can make money without losing it. Also, I’m worried that the gap in power between the Brigate and anything else will make ship combat and ganks too unfair.

God forbid something in an mmo takes more than an hour to get

the problem is not the time
i can do fun things for 6 days in a row
its if it’s fun or not

sealed chest farm

Most sane person here, I do cargo only when I need levels, the main way I become rich is that I don’t hoard my random crap “oh I might need these 50 lemongrass herbs later” if you don’t cook often, you won’t. The most sound advice I can give to people struggling with not having enough money is sell useless stuff.

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But what if I need it!

“im not on board with bigger shi- ACK”




Man that must suck, can’t relate

nah. The only thing I know I don’t need is the gems I craft to upgrade my crafting skill