Insanity Motion Sickness Mode

Insanity Motion Sickness Mode
effort 4.636363636363637 22 quality 4.608695652173913 23 reasonability 4.730769230769231 26

why do you have to miss out on important things where meta is basically most of the focus in the game just to not feel sick?

Important things? your not making sense now. if your really into the meta then sure… take advantage of the insanity effects and endure its dumb effects. if your playing the game for fun then don’t use em? i might have not understood your statement right thou…

meta still matters in pve???
stats are the important things
you kind of need atleast below average but not horrible stats to play the game properly instead of dying every 2 seconds
you dont need to TAKE advantage of the status that’s literally what im saying this for dude

First, insanity is a completely different kind of sickness than what you seem to think it is. I would know from experience and from seeing it firsthand.

Second, you’re not getting the point here. It’s a game. Games are made for entertainment, not to make someone feel unwell. There’s a reason that games put up warnings for stuff like epilepsy and seizures. They want everything to be accessible to everyone.

Third, the point we’ve been trying to make is that you shouldn’t have to lose out on the benefits of Insanity gear or not be able to go into the Dark Sea because the effects can make you barf. It doesn’t matter if you can choose not to do it, if a built-in feature of the game can cause nausea in certain people, whether the Insanity in the Dark Sea or the Insanity from Gear, then there’s a problem.


You don’t need insanity armor to get “below average but not horrible stats”, I play this game with only non insanity sets which is why im puzzled about what your saying. Avoiding insanity in the DS is VERY easy but your problem doesn’t seem be that am i right?

Your problem is entirely avoidable and i don’t see why it needs changes.

this is LITERALLY everything you’ve been saying this entire time
i dont know if its supposed to be an excuse for your horrible arguements or not but my christ learn how to make a proper arguement instead of repeating the same things

never said that either???
insanity however does help in getting better stats which if you want you can use them but it shouldnt be affecting your physical health

the problem is the suggesters HEALTH. they get affected by an effect that doesnt need to affect them in real life. if you want to go into the dark sea or use a piece of armor you shouldnt be affected by it in real life.

by your points, EVERY problem is avoidable if you just dont do it. It DOES need changes if its affecting a persons HEALTH.

can some mod close this and show this to vetex cause some people are getting in a really heated argument over whether or not changing a game to accommodate health issues is balanced or not (literally bteam)

as you said, cloud isnt getting it. they’ve honestly just been saying ‘‘but i not might understand thou…’’ or ‘‘just avoid it!!’’ its a game, you shouldnt have to avoid things IN THE GAME to not be physically affected.

Bait used to be believable.

Bait used to be believable.

Taken care of.

so what’s your problem with using warding potions and warding armor? It’s not too difficult to get them in game and in trade (values shouldn’t be too high)

Your straight up just ranting about a problem that already has its solution for no good reason.

The suggestor can easily get gold leaves and warding potions to avoid the effects,

  • the insanity effects in question only appear in the 2nd and 3rd (might be only 3rd so not sure)

the only thing that is needed is a warning for people with health problems about the flashing lights and effects.

gg done

my problem is that you shouldnt have to feel sick for using a feature INGAME and the ONE STAT (insanity) should be accessible for EVERYONE
warding doesnt work on instable insanity so if they get flung to the far reaches or anything they shouldnt have to suffer (do correct me if im wrong but point still stands, you shouldnt suffer because of a game)

wrong, you’re.
it has a solution but not an actually really useful solution
if you dont have the time or dont care enough to grind for warding potions or armor, thats another problem put on the table.

you get narwhal horns from the dark sea. not easy for suggestor.
you also get golden petals from the dark sea. sureee.

[quote=“cloudcrosser, post:73, topic:131000”]
he insanity effects in question only appear in the 2nd and 3rd (might be only 3rd so not sure)

about the insanity effects im pretty sure they show in all ranges (apart from insanity range 0)
while a warning would be helpful, suggestor wants it to be ACCESSIBLE, not warned.

while i get this, i don’t think you’d even find a soul whos actually willing to give you reagants and hardly anyone would accept a request from a stranger

It’s possible to overcome IF you have a warding 6 build but that requires a shit ton of investment and nobody’s gonna walk around wearing a full warding build just in case they get flinged

you guys are stupid games should be fun and id rather it be unbalanced than cause people motion sickness and nausea

maybe atlantean modifiers shouldve just been something more thought out and well designed like drawback rather than more stats for even more tedious inconvenience in a game that already lacks qol

You can find golden leaves in the range 0 in the DS which has no insanity effects, or using a warding scroll (i kinda forgot the name) from a ds chest which could be difficult to get yourself but should be cheap on trade.

your statement on “anyone would accept a request from a stranger” is very dumb, sorry to say that. trading thou not forced is a well placed aspect in the game and is used by many.

I think this is a fantastic suggestion and I will suggest a really creative insanity rework and say that everyone who disagrees with me is a stupid dummy fart head (A.K.A Cloudcrosser who may or may not be someone’s alt).

New Arcane Odyssey Insanity Rework: Alright hear me out so there was this manga I read where this girl could see demons and dead people and stuff so the insanity effects should just be seeing horrific creatures beyond our comprehension, dying from insanity would just be the creatures killing and feasting on you. It’d probably look like these pictures:

(The girl is the insanity user btw)

If we absolutely insist on keeping screen effects though then we’ll get rid of the nauseating ones and then add like a slowly fading picture of Sadako Yamamura (girl from The Ring who climbs out of the TV)

Insanity will be insanely scary and spooky, and the eldritch abominations that appear in them would be good for world building. Also Dark Sea will give 12 year olds nightmares HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Ngl I feel like making people see demons in AO will actually make people want to use insanity lol.


This has to be a joke :sob: