Light Palms | FS

Light Palms | FS
effort 2.0 2 quality 3.0 2 reasonability 3.0 2

looks like thermo

who said your fighting style was a good idea?

Each fighting style you’ve written recently has read more and more like you’re rapidly running out of ideas, and I understand that.
Give yourself a break, get some inspiration, build some good concepts with that inspiration, and put it to use.

He went from writing the vine style, to this, mental burnout is no joke.

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Maybe have the meter fill up as you do damage to others, but every time you take damage it depletes as a better way to encourage dodging over blocking

Not really a suggestion but it’s the best concept for fighting style’s I’ve ever seen

This would be thermo is somebody decided to make a ripoff off of AO

Honestly, styles outside of boxing deserve at least some kind of passive.

It makes them more than just this magic but I’m throwing hands lmaoo

maybe it could just make them better than Cannon fist and Boxing and give them no incenstive to use them

Iron leg and sailor fist are probably the biggest offenders when it comes to this. You can’t even get much value out of the soaked status unless you run warlock or a style that can proc bleed.

yoo can you explain the rating thing it just showed up but just for this comment

Huh. I’m not sure since Thermo fist is basically be aggressive at your enemy. So instead using a meter like heat. Maybe combos?

I’m not sure how to put this in words, but light palms should be more based of rhythmic pattern. Sorta like a combo. I guess. The more attack you could put onto the person, the more likely the power increase. Causing the player to go on a rhythmic rampage yet still keeping the combo. But if you break the rhythm, instead you will get damage or get a drawback. (Maybe by losing a lot of stamina or speed).

Idk I can’t cook.

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I mean right now Pure Builds mostly ignore synergies and focus on more advanced weapons, techniques, spells, ETC

Yeah sailor seems like the perfect hybrid class fs

While yes, the intent seems to be giving pure builds access to certain things far sooner. The lack of synergies can defiantly hold back their dps potential.

Just a recommendation, take a break. when i first got suggester i made like 3 ideas a day and posted them. the more you think of in a short amount of time, the worse they get.

in summery, take a break to be able to cook better next time.

if you don’t trust anyone i hope you trust this

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i dont mean knockback. just a palm thing with magic (cuz synergy is cool) and when associating palsm with an element i think wind cuz of naruto

Boxing already has wind covered, so it seems unneccesary to have another style inspired by wind.