Lore Doc Update Discussion

Screenshot 2024-10-12 212849
Finally, Vetex/Tech makes someone have motivation for doing something

Alright so far we got as a response to this
Mandatory glazers
People who are annoyed with how it works but think itā€™s fine with some tweaking (me)
People who just want actual mutations back
Skittlesnakes, who gets pissed at every change to the lore whatsoever (just go play ar)
The people who think it sucks, even though they also thought all the previous ways to get losts sucked
Stocksounds, who I cant even tell the opinion of but is angry for some reason

First things that came to my mind were gaia and Ouraenos or whatever the god of the sky was called
But now you made me think its Tartarus
Good theory

Vetex 2937399e+9 lore retcon

Meh canā€™t complain when it makes the story better and more in depth

honestly glad i wasnt the only one who was thinking of kronos, that was a major hunch of mine

I should have read this closer a long time ago

I love spelling mistakes

That could actually make a lot of sense. Tartarus is older than even the titans, Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s even slightly older or about as old as Gaia. It would also connect to the pit in Makrinaos, as Tartarus is often described as a pit. It would also mean that The Seekers of the Sightā€™s master wouldnā€™t be Hades, which is a definite plus.

Though the main counterargument would be motivation, as I canā€™t see exactly how the state of the world benefits Tartarus in any way. Though Vetex could ascribe any motivation to this entity as currently we donā€™t have any clues to their identity (or if we do Iā€™m not aware of them.)

Edit because I just realized this: the pit leading to Tartarus makes a lot more sense than just the Underworld proper, since the Underworld ainā€™t that scary. Sure itā€™s scary to think about death, but the place itself aside from Tartarus is rather peaceful of a bit dreary. The Underworld classically (Riordan added some bits, so Iā€™m going off of Wikipedia to be more in line to the original mythology) consisted of 3 to 4 parts. The Asphodel Meadows, where most mortals went. Elysium home of the honored heroes and Tartarus where the particularly wicked were held and punished. In some interpretations thereā€™s also the Isle of the Blessed, for those who were pure but not heroes, at least best I can guess, Wikipedia just says those who are particularly pure. I realize this is a tangent, but any chance I get to talk about how Hades doesnā€™t make sense as a villain is one I will take.

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top 3 things we know about ā€œThe Entityā€ (Trademarked)

  1. Itā€™s older than kronos
  2. itā€™s sealed
  3. itā€™s evil

We donā€™t have much to work with here, so Iā€™m just gonna go with the blind faith route and hope vetex is predictable enough that I actually turn out to be correct. At least until more info is revealed.

whatever it is, its obscenely powerful,
litterly able to just dial down the power of gods on a whim

ā€¦ could be the

lore doc just got updated again with explanations on magic energy, spirit energy, sensing, some pretty juicy stuff

  • I personally love the explanations on how magic works, the intent stuff is pretty nice and brings up the possibility of using enormous spells that will only damage the enemy and not allies/the environment
    • my FAVORITE part is that all magics have the potential for more intricate spells like healing. as a black clover fan, Iā€™ve always liked that there were healing spells for all mages, but only the best/most suited for healing could be good at it. so Iā€™m glad thatā€™s a part of the magic toolset now
  • if itā€™s possible for sensing to be endless for the very best at it, does that mean top tier sensers in the war seas could sense what was going on in the seven seas with theos, poseidon, durza, arthur, the PK, etc.? those are apex of the verse characters and Iā€™d assume their power would be far easier to sense, even if the dark sea muddies it up a bit
  • cool finally getting a solid explanation on what spirit energy is. people have theorized this from vetexā€™s patreon chat info but it seems like spirit energy might be what allows the gods to be able to manipulate their domain? considering the part that says ā€œmanipulating the spirit energy in the air to cause natural lightning, the ground to deformā€
    • also you can use spirit energy to permanently change your body :thinking:

hopefully sensing has progression like cooking and brewing

bouta sense on all these plebeians for not being nolives like me

I swear, spirit users are one step away from becoming Mahito

shame weā€™ll only ever be able to sense within a single sea cause of the server separations :sob:

also a shame that bodily manipulation will probably never reach that level of body horror given roblox limitations/vetexā€™s coding abilities (if bro doesnā€™t want to code animals no way would he want to code mahito-level body control, unless one of the new coders can). itā€™s probably mainly there to explain this type of stuff


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Alright so far we got, for power systems

  • I cast massive balls!
  • literally just cursed energy
  • briā€™ish
  • image

Unfortunately, you are very much correct

love how this WILL be the final boss of the game that the ordr is unleashing

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Vetex cooked with this new lore. Intent-based magic system? Thatā€™s awesome! Like, imagine firing a blast of magic at someone, but you casted it with the intent of causing extreme devastation to the terrain but no damage to the target. So when they try to block the blast it does nothing, and suddenly they get pummeled by the ground erupting all around them, rubble flying everywhere hitting them from sides they werenā€™t expecting.

Also, with the fact that sensing allows you to tell someoneā€™s intent, you could probably predict your opponentā€™s exact next move by sensing how they intend to use their magic. Thereā€™s so much stuff you can do with this, itā€™s really awesome.

I have mixed feelings about magic energy and spirit energy becoming more similar, thoughā€¦ They always had sort of a destruction/creation dichotomy, reflective of their makers. But now that all magic energy can be used to heal, even types that arenā€™t specalized for it, I feel like it takes away from spirit energyā€™s individuality. And spirit energy can be super destructive now too, instead of being limited to only damaging souls, taking a bit away from magic energyā€™s individuality.


to be honest, Iā€™m morso mildly miffed that mutation appears to be based around studying/finding some shard now. Gaining a new talent/strength through emotional development and character growth is far cooler than studying your skills for ages or discovering a special artifact. Thatā€™s half of the reason why someone manifesting their own E.G.O. from Project Moonā€™s universe is so awesome: the character themselves undergoes emotional development and overcomes themselves. E.G.O. would be less cool (but still awesome because they are dripped as FUCK) if people just learned how to get it from reading and swordfighting.

Conversely, stuff like Devil Fruits or Curses in ao are a lot less cool as a powersystem in my opinion, because you donā€™t need to actually grow as a person in any way to do it, you just have to get lucky and find something. Sure, you can do all sorts of stuff with it, but to actually get the major powerboost, you just have to find something. Itā€™s also less cool because itā€™s nearly impossible to write a scene of someone getting said powers in an interesting way, because all you have to do is eat the fruit/touch a cube.


From what I can tell, mutation through character development still exists, itā€™s just to create a magic of your own you need one of the shards