Magic Dodge

Magic Dodge
effort 1.0 1 quality 1.0 2 reasonability 1.111111111111111 9

The Thing in Question

add a passive magic dodge to replace the normal one as a lost spell OR make it a passive for 2nd awakening as a mage

Explaining the THing

in a nutshell, it is replacing the normal dodge function in the game with a magically charged variant, similar to the leap spell overtaking highjumps. the function is similar to the leap spell as well, meaning it uses energy, usable in the air, has a slight cooldown, etc. the only noticeable differences being it’s a dodge, and that it doesn’t require your magic to be equipped, instead, it uses the normal double tap/shift function, effectively replacing the old dodge and taking up a spell slot. there are also two ways this could be added. number one is as a lost spell, where you find it out of nowhere and have a very high magic requirement, or as an unlock from the 2nd mage awakening.

Reason to add the Thing

I wanted this to be more tilted towards solid mage builds, allowing them to be more unpredictable in the air which effectively allows their zoner focused playstyle to be more prominent.

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dear god what the fuck is this

why are you giving mages a crash spell without endlag this is a horrible idea


mage already has enough annoying things to deal with, we don’t need anymore. especially mobility this powerful, a good zoner doesn’t need it and it just makes good mages harder to deal with.

I find literally no reason to add a lost spell to literally make a worse dodge (by the sound of it your comparing to to leap and high jump, and leap is worse high jump) and have it deal no damage. Not only is this completely useless, but it deals 0 damage, and it makes it harder to obtain any other lost spell as you gain the chance to get this one.

Or spend time adding this worse dodge into the mage awakening that serves no purpose :smile:

Next add flying for mages!


so it’ll either make mages run out of mana, making dodging a liability and therefore making this useless, or it’ll make it easier for mages to outdistance their opponents and essentially make it impossible to hurt them while they hurl their pulsars and blasts from a distance. we don’t need this

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Maybe this could be cool as a PURELY COSMETIC FEATURE for mages.

(Lightning mages kinda just zipping when they dash, shadow mages turning pitch black, wind looks like they propel themselves, etc)

Otherwise, yeah, I don’t think this’ll work that well. Cool idea, though.


cant wait to fight a king calvus copy everywhere i go !

a dodge in midair? do you just want mages to fly while firing their 1.5k damage pulsars?

Stop making mage buffs :sob:

give this dodge to berserker instead

Honestly that seems like the best, just a purely cosmetic change that doesn’t take up a spell-slot

if anything, i’d like a 3rd air movement charge for berserkers maybe on the 2nd awakening

Suggesting this is the dark times of the mage meta might not have been the best idea, also what does it do exactly? I can’t quite understand what it even does that makes it unique besides magic effects. I was expecting like “oh it’s an air dash” but Idk if that’s the case

Do you mean like an air dash that would let you go on which direction you want, being faster depending on magic?

Next add nuke attack for mage that scales 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x magic for damage

Mage is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad right now the Pulsar SUCKS

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Give at this point just mages :Fly me perms

my idea: replace mages leap with a dammageless Dash that you can angle in any direction (with a nice 3d sphere in the configuration menue with North being foward and then you can angle it in any way eg: need to dodge slightly back and far to the left, just place the angle that way
this would also open up a bunch of weird and wacky dodges mages could do

ping me in like an hour i will suggest this but rn i wanna take a nap

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where the fuck is this for my warrior, berserker, juggernaut, warden, warlord, knight

This was the worst possible time to make this suggestion