Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

whilst I am disapointed by the low level cap increase, it still increases my ships durablity so its a W

the new fishing rod seems pretty interesting
I wonder if this changes the best way of farming leg scales

This is true, and normally I wouldnā€™t be upset about a small level cap increase. But it feels different this time, for a few reasons.

The Nimbus Sea update, in case you donā€™t know, will continue the story, add many new islands, and increase the level cap for the first time ever post-early access release.

It feels a little dirty to use the level cap increase as a selling point for the update when the only abilities itā€™s unlocking are Ultimate Leap for Mage (which I doubt will be used competitively ever) and Ultimate Smash for Berserker.

The second and biggest reason why it feels like weā€™re being done dirty is not just because only Berserkers are getting something useful, but also that many of us are having abilities taken away from us. That is what makes this selling point feel so underhanded, and that is why 7 levels doesnā€™t feel ā€œgood enough.ā€

Iā€™m going to lose Javelin and get nothing in return. I donā€™t use Javelin much in PvP, but it was extremely useful in PvE, especially against Atlanteans. I feel like Vetex shouldnā€™t have changed the requirements before knowing for sure that the level cap would increase enough to compensate in this update. I was hoping for a 135 cap because trading Javelin for Snare and Double Beam is a deal Iā€™m willing to make, and it wouldnā€™t be egregiously boosting our level higher than the story progression warrants like a 150 cap would be.

I feel like Iā€™m being entitled here, but surely Iā€™m not the only one who thinks itā€™s an iffy choice to make hybrids lose some or all of the rare spells/techniques that they previously waited for 3 updates to get, and further delay them getting the 160-req abilities they thought they would finally have, meanwhile an increase of 7 levels gets hyped up.

Iā€™d like to clarify that itā€™s amazing that we get to play a game like this completely for free, and Vetexā€™s dedication is incredible, no doubt about that. Obviously Iā€™m still going to play the update, and Iā€™ll probably love the vast majority of its content. But that doesnā€™t mean I agree with every decision being made.



Absolute Warrior market crash next quarter :pensive:

imma be honest, they should just not increase the levels (and change the reqs) at that pointā€¦ they should only increase levels when we really donā€™t basically just lose stuff. (idk the math, so sometimes that could be hard. but idk) atm we will have a full month of waiting till we get another level increase so we might actually get something

itā€™s not the end of the world, but itā€™s just a really bad idea, doing an update that basically removes parts of players. i feel like any other games outside of roblox (and AAA especially) would get lynched publicly if they ever let smth like that happen

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i was doing a warrior, but thatā€™s def on the back burner atm lol

I donā€™t actually think itā€™s that big of a deal for warrior, since they will get 2 new boss weapons.
itā€™s quite bad for the hybrid builds though, since youā€™d just be taking away abilities without providing an alternative

Did anyone else here the name of the 4th sea in the qna?

Its a placeholder for now. Its Azure Sea or Aegean Sea. Seemingly leaning to the latter, but its bound to change as its a placeholder.

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2 weapons in return for less options on existing weapons, no new abilities, and no weapon build exclusive armor?
I think warriors definitely lose in this patch

Speaking of which, was a transcript of the qna ever made?

Yes thereā€™s 2 versions
(I prefer this one The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down)

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this rod is perfect for luck 4 parties wdym

New weapons so far havenā€™t been great so hopefully the ones in this update are actually good. One is a gun I think so I kind of doubt it

i mean, huh, he haves a point honestly

Im guessing Chaos or Wotan.
Wotan is obvious, in the world he is at the apex of power due to being a skilled curse user.
Chaos also fits because it is literally ā€œThe Apexā€

Theres actually three. Someone made a whole doc and I think its the one with the most accuracy, with each answer being word by word, even including who said which. (The QnA transcript Tom mentioned missed a question, idk if it missed any more)

The first one by Maplestorm (I think) was a rough summary for each question, but it had timestamps on when it was mentioned. Look there if you need to know when the asnwer was said.

ranged weapons are pretty strong tho, and since itā€™s a multi pistol type weapon it should also be quite good

35 pages
and 5 hours :sob: