one time i ran around limestone key till the system said i was out of combat to leave/avoid someone when i was on a low level file, i just considered myself done for the day cause of that
and another time had me jump off the sky islands to avoid em, cause guess what, someone over level 120 was trying to kill me when i was barely over 50
so smth to stop people with such large level gaps from going out of their way to find someone less than half their own level just to try and kill them would be appreciated, if i want to pvp i’ll go to Munera to actually have some fun, not get angry/frustrated cause someone came outa nowhere, even if we are both max level
I don’t really optimize my builds that much- i just want to have fun, not get crushed by someone with a better optimized build at max level
I keep hearing this a lot but from the amount of times I’ve replayed the game and the fact that ive caught around 24k fish. I can safely say that I’ve ONLY been attacked ONCE.
and that ONCE was the guy taking my under leveled sailor story part account to sandfall isle and abandoning me there as a joke.
This whole thing where “PVE players are constantly getting attacked” is a myth to me cuz this never happens to me and it never happens to most people I know.
Like i could go into the game rn and i can do the story more 3 times if i had the sanity and I’m sure that the likeliness of me being attacked is little to none cuz ganking low levels is USELESS.
If i was ever attacked in this game then it was because i had very high renown or i was supporting a clan take down someone.
If you really wanna come here and say that this is a constant problem then get around 10 regular PVE players (preferably not first time so they average at <10 hours to max account) and see how many times each of those people get Ganked or attacked constantly so much that you think that PVP changes are a huge issue to PVE
I’d also like to add that PVE will STILL HAVE agility in the form of gemstone effects so if anything PVE is easier to do later cuz you can invest in more power and defense
TLDR: Low level Ganking is a myth, it isn’t a problem worth exploring cuz the cases of it is so minimal that it’s not priority enough to shut down other key changes
cough cough
me during the first few months of the game releasing
i have a goofy video of me having a blast with my friends after being ganked even tho i was dogshit and spamming blast beam blast beam blast beam on conjurer
it is very possible to enjoy
Is it genuinely so hard for people to understand that if the person doesn’t ask to fight you, 99 times out of 100 they’d much rather you leave them alone.
I have been jumped during the cirrus section of the quest, threw the guy off the island with a staff grab, but it still happened.
People do quit the game because of this stuff happening.
See: Every single person I know outside of the forums that was interested in AO.
For people like them and myself who want nothing to do with the dumpsterfire that is this game’s PvP and PvP community, open world PvP makes this game actively less enjoyable.
None of us are spending the 10+ hours doing 1v1s in elysium to get to an acceptable level where we can defend ourselves, that’s far too much time and effort wasted when we can just go to a game with better PvP.
Maybe my opinion on it would be different if I had a single PvP related encounter in the last four years of this game where all of the below were not the case:
1: The person jumping me is an absolute ass about it.
2: I’m being hunted across the entire map and they will not leave me alone.
3: I do not want to fight.
4: I do not enjoy the fight.
Theoretical, I’m just curious, how often do you get ganked??? I’ve made 20 files now, (Jesus Christ I used to be addicted) and can only recount being attacked while underleveled once, or twice. And even when that happened, I lost at most what, 100 galleons? I just feel that in the vast majority of cases, being ganked is so inconsequential that you should just be able to move on with your day.
I hardly ever get attacked in my maxed files, it happens in new files mostly. It also gets much worse during content draughts like rn, have you been playing lately?
That’s great but nobody ever learnt to pvp by being ganked, all you learn is to check for red flags of possible gankers in the players tab and to run high agility to escape.
True, but all of that doesn’t apply if the other person is not engaging in the fight, it’s just bullying then.
Just attack people once and if they don’t fight back at all go look for someone else, that’s what I do.
I’m sorry I want to see you make a proper statistics of how many times this is happening
As i said, no PVE player is willing to make a proper statement on how many times it’s happening to justify anything they are saying, you fought someone on circus, great now how many times is this happening across let’s say 50 hours of game time?
id say at best this issue in 50 hours would be less then 30 mins lost
I’ve replayed the game over at least 20 times and I’ve only been Ganked and killed BECAUSE I had beef with other clans and EVEN then it was always on my max files where i was already prepared to deal with them to an extent
I stg just yesterday I got ganked three times in 1 hour by 3 different people in 3 different servers. But now that I think about it may have been due to the fact that a balance change was published, meaning that many pvpers logged on to test it, still, they had no reason to target a low level who’s just grinding.
eh Probably true, I’m not saying that this is something that ISNT HAPPENING AT ALL, but the fact that low levels basically have nothing to lose other then little galleons and time
It really doesn’t justify not doing balance changes, If balance changes didn’t happen then PVE players would have to deal with things like Massive pulsars rekting them on sailors
If PVP didn’t exist then that cuts a HUGE amount of revenue from the game
You really can’t tell me that just because you lost 5 mins because of some asshole you want the PVP community as a whole to not get any changes and the game should abandon 70% of their community and A huge margin of it’s revenue
Open world PvP is a big part of the game and it’s not going away anytime soon. PvP is pretty much the crux of why this game is alive between updates, and is also where you’ll find the most dedicated players.
welp, I’m sorry that your having a bad time, sadly that doesn’t exactly justify to turn the game around entirely cuz it’s only a small margin of the issues of the game
Ironically for me, I’ve progressed 18 files (couple on alts) to at least level 125 and I don’t recall any cases where I was attacked while progressing.
I might just be really lucky, or it may have happened but it wasn’t disruptive enough to be worth remembering. Or I just ended up in servers with mostly new players progreessing.