Potentially A Dark Sea Brig Build

I’ve already been thinking up some ideas and with the announcement of deckhand rework, it’ll be easier to get legendary deckhands so anyways here’s the build I have thought of ( Skip to the end result if that’s all you want to know )

Current stats:

Builds For It:







lvl 125 legendary hp deckhands for 1,100+ hp x 4 since brig has 4 slots ( Forgot the max amount but around that ) so 4,400 hp

End Result:

104% Stability
92% Resilience
50 Turning
19,785 HP
66 Speed
3,670 Ram Strength
414 Ram Defense

Somehow unimbued arcanium ram gives more damage than imbued ram, for example:
Here’s clean arcanium ram

And lightning ram ( Which is close to metal’s damage multiplier )

Huge difference right?

This build is subject to change too since according to the trello to-do list, there would be more ship parts exclusively obtainable in the dark sea but so far, this is the minmax you can get using bronze sea parts.

Feedback would be really appreciated since my clan needs the best ship for dark sea considering the clan is based on living in the dark sea. Once it’s fully finalized, i’ll move this to guides ig

What did I miss?

Oh just this, dunno if it’s confirmed to be what vetex is using but the previous announcements were added so I’ll take it at face value, plus posted by a mod

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think you could do with a bit more speed

Yeah I thought of that as well but defense is more needed than speed in the dark sea considering there’s more sea monsters there

Plus the lower the hp the lower the speed would be so I thought defense would be better considering the moment the boat is low, speed becomes literally useless :sob: , resilience is enough to at least not make the ship really really slow ig

personally i think if you have a full crew of 4-10 people (or just yourself) you can just repair the ship rather than take the extra hp
high hp only helps if you cant repair the ship

Oh that’s fair, but aren’t they vulnerable to taking damage? Considering you’ll only become immune if you’re using an attachment, driving or using the cannons

could just watch for when sea monsters approach and hop on the nearest cannon when they attack

Hmmm depends ig on what sea monsters we’ll have in the dark sea but for now Ig im keeping more defense so that the boat can handle more damage

Considering if I assume the average damage of a dark sea monster is the same as Blue Whale, my ship would take 6 hits before sinking with only 13K+ hp

Better safe than sorry :sob:

I don’t think sailing wind is gonna be too much of a problem in the Dark Sea (unless vetex buffs tf out of it in the Dark Sea), so swift hemp or whatever the fastest cloth should be ok

Overall I’d use this setup, though I prefer Arcanium or Culverins over Carronades

Fair, if resilience isnt that much needed then yeah I’ll switch to hemp, i’ll keep that in mind

i dont believe resilience is important. Get swift sailcloth instead, i despise slow ships

This is just a recommendation by the Testers, not anything official.

Neat build and all but your turning is atrocious, everything will outmaneuver you.

I agree. Without any extra Turning stats, I feel super slow.

66 speed

my brain hurts

why resilience and not speed

I’d rather run swift and get 10 speed with 12% resilience from the sailcloth
66 speed sounds horrendous be to running with and that’s assuming a mortar won’t reduce it more.

Bro… Please, just use a strong culverin instead, I won’t fully suggest using an earth arcanium cannon since I hear there are magic storage issues with the Ketch and the Brig has 3x the cannons on the side but still.
In case it’s less of an issue than what I’ve read:

No idea if the wiki is correct but for some reason the earth cannon hits harder than the metal one and has 0.1 more range. If it’s all accurate, and there are no magic issues; then the 0.2x range multiplier is well worth the trade for the same damage, more speed, and less reload time.

New speed would be 80 with the 104% stability

You want know what is wrong here? , THERES not an speed build!

Magic cannons got nerfed to hell in 1.12 so it’s outdated in wiki :pensive:

But yeah you have a point, I guess I can go light on cannons in case mortar takes a ton of speed, I just use carronades to easily cheese the theorized ghost ship with 2.4x cannon after ramming into them with 3,670 ram strength considering even with my slow ship, I could handle ketch enemies rn