PvP Clips Megathread

keep in mind when you imbue with Steam Magic you take on Fire’s imbue properties. it’s alright but nothing too crazy

it allows you great strength when fighting opponents in the water if you swap to Ice, which is actually one of FS’s greatest weaknesses, I could see this working out pretty well

last clips of the night

I would not be able to hit those 20% shots if my life depended on it, unless the target literally wasn’t moving.

easier to learn than gun m1s since learning gun m1s also takes learning how to play in shiftlock 24/7 but it’s still pretty hard , if you really want to learn 20% shot it takes a lot of fs gameplay and honing ur mechanics

funny enough I actually learned how to land 20% shots by applying tf2 knowledge unironically, I’ll elaborate if you want

113 posts were split to a new topic: Pvp math class

doc tapped into a fraction of poseidon magic’s power “Empyrean!” and the game banished him for it :face_holding_back_tears:

This knight is showing me his build. 62 size, 2.1k and around 190-250+ dmg on moves. Is knight crazy?

why were there 100 posts about math bro can we get some more pvp


gameplay on the obesity build for the first time in forever

gyat mf damn those shots are clean

knight winning. got a cleaner clip but medal corrupted it so gg on that


knight is an underrated build but its REALLY good :saluting_face:

once warrior awakening buff drops I’d actually consider it an A tier build. only viable vit hybrid because:

  • 400 energy doesn’t really matter on weps nearly as much as it does on jugg and especially pala
  • weapons already hurt a lot so the dmg decrease isn’t super impactful, and don’t need the aoe increase from higher tiers like pala does
  • all you lose compared to warrior is rav gs and triasta (yucky aoe) vs paladin and jugg who lose so much from going vit hybrid I could write a thesis on both

Y’all so talented at pvp it’s absurd

Meanwhile here’s me in preschool watching it

I lead Shadows of Yor, I’m Noctem top 3, and I’m the co of bully squad’s Unity division. dw bout it too much I’ve been pvping for 7 years now

I might be good but there’s always plenty of improvement to be had. raw skill wise I’m still leagues away from someone like keeper or aether

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I mean I guess I’m still relatively new, a novice of sorts

path to improvement is long but rewarding. if you think you, or even someone like me, is at their skill cap rn, keep in mind this game is gunna last for years and years

True, unless roblox does something dumb.

when do they not.