Reminders for AO (Part 3)

free x-ray
I can see iris
through walls I mean.

There are no walls atop frostmill…

Whale blubber is needed… NUKE THE FUCKING WHALES!!!

Is this a reference to the old roblox game “Nuke the Whales”?!?!?


Torch did a potions showcase.

It looks like potions effects do have their own unique infliction text (seen with slowness’s essence, not surprising)

Also, some ingredients?


Bones and teeth?

I assume maybe these could be used for either bleeding or harming potions

He’s holding it like it’s some peptobismol lmao

why is it nearly the same size as the character’s arm :skull:

damn been nearly a week since an update on the trello, maybe vetex is cookin quite a lot?

he did in fact cook the biggest juiciest veniest girthiest-



Or he’s losing steam which is what I’ve been going with, compare post-release patch note speed to pre-release

You rat bastard, right after I say it’s been slow

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Jewel Crafting is here!

I’ll leave this here for now. But look at what’s left, adding fort castrum?
my motivation to play again is hopefully coming back in HARD.

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Jewel Crafting is here!


Think it’d be good to take a step back and remember just how much content we are getting this update:

We are getting:

  • 32 Unique Potion types
  • 5 Catalyst types for said potions (Drinkable, Shareable, Throwable, Throwable Lingering, & Gel)
  • Two New Proffesion Skills: Alchemy & Jewelcrafting
  • A New Seamonster
  • Whales (Cachalot whales & Regular Whales)
  • A New Wilderness Island
  • A Completely reworked Palo Town (With New Music)
  • Jewel Crafting and Socketing

And a still a bit more.

I’ve seen some people complain that Vetex ‘missed’ his promise of an update a month, but with this much content we will surely be held over until the next big update.

Cause I don’t expect the Dark Sea until like early august with how much will probably be in that update.


Tbf Vetex said there would be fortnightly updates a long while back but to be double fair he’s prob just going through the early access stuff

so hold your supposed-to-but-no-longer-existent horses for post Nimbus story

(Only true people remember the horse update)


I wanted a horse vetex…