The first island is definitely Claw, but what about the second? Does anyone recognize the trees and ruins or could this be our first look at Tidecliff?
its ravenna and claw island.
I better get a pumpkin garden and a tomatoe farm next. mass production pizzas is upon us !
I just KNOW some sicko is going to get a bunch of farmer npcs of a certain skin color and make them work the fields
Rams are absolutely the most useful ship weapons for me, cannonballs are significantly too hard to time, same issue with mortars. If we had the ability to adjust where we were aiming afree clicking and had a bit of horizontal freedom when aiming, it would be much better.
Honestly we need more encouragement for naval pvp
Also maybe some more variations on cannons (Ask JTN)
We takin back 1865 with this one
this was already posted
Update is most likely releasing on Fri 27th based on info ive seen
the only idea that should be being considered is the replacing of AO with WoM
Gunpowder barrel fist, the upgrade of cannon fist
Ig that’s an explosion fs or a shadow (?) fs
this was a bit ago, but for those who dont know, the first of Tech’s riddles were solved by Mortal. I don’t believe it was posted here (if it was I can delete this) and it’s important enough to be posted here at least.
for fellow theorists who didnt see it get solved but would like to try and help solve the other two, heres the invite (tech’s also in the discord so you can probably ask him questions here easier as well)