Reviewing your suggestions for AO!

Infamy is primarily gained through pvp at least that’s the most efficient way to grind it and I’ve never heard of a pve clan getting high on the leaderboard so to me any clan with high infamy is pretty much a target on your back.

infamy is generated from islands as the original source and then huntings gets thrown in the mix, clans high on the leaderboard have PvE subclans or PvE members who know how to stay out of sight, to give you an idea most players are PvE

Infamy generated from islands is incredibly slow though in the current ao pvp is so much faster than islands for getting infamy not to mention that even claiming islands for infamy can have pvp involved as for pve members in pvp clans in my opinion infamy should be a mostly pvp thing and therefor players that don’t want to pvp should stay away from high infamy clans.

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most players dont like wasting other players time, i don’t want to skip servers and steal claims and feel stressed, remember AO is not a fighting game, it’s part of the game yes but keep in mind this is an RPG and people roleplay i get people that dont wanna pvp may wanna stay away from high infamy clans thats not the reality though, pvp is faster but the infamy you get from pvp is infamy that was sourced from islands/ chests/ buried treasure at the end of the day;

keep in mind most of the game isn’t pvp related and there’s not much to stop players from doing what they want and joining high infamy clans as friends or guests, claiming islands can have pvp involved yes, AO is a majority PvE game by far though
I take it you’re used to playing other games where pvp is a major feature such as deepwoken, so far the current audience for AO don’t have higher-end PCs much like deepwoken players etc. etc…
I agree clans should be worked on however I remember someone earlier suggesting that neutral players should be able to stay neutral and not gain fame or bounty much for doing good or bad things being like off-grid so keep that in mind


Yeah, high infamy clans are scary, I own a small bank with ~35K infamy all on my own… And ive lost at least 5K being seen as free infamy (Which I am) from the high clans…

yeah you gotta be “player aware” check who joins and all that there’s people out there to get you lol

You know it man, and sometimes you just wanna play the game on a nice server but BIGTIMMYKILL22 is in the server with 5000 player kills in a leaderboard clan… And by then well, its already too late

Have the two sunken sets give a very small amount of either armour piercing or resistance.
as a whole, their value has been dropping a crapton and the new arcanium armour has been said to be more efficient than it, this would also make the armour more unique as well.

upon reviewing this wth was I thinking

I am pretty confident that the empires update may make infamy PVE gain a slight bit easier!

sometimes its a nice day and it’s taking a while to load in AO today for some reason so you tab out and by the time you’re back BIGTIMMYKILL22 is waiting next to you for your hunt cooldown to reset

I totally FORGOT about arcanium armor… Oh my god… Cant wait to see what chaos that adds. Although, perhaps sunken will win with its infinite upgrading…

maybe the weapons i’m not sure about piercing possibly regen for the gear actually i’m not aware of the stats of arcanium gear though and i know jewels will give those other buffs too so hopefully we’re fine once the next update is here

It truly is scary, this isnt the conversation for PVP and all of the BIGTIMMYKILL22’s out there though… Those thoughts will remain sealed away

I am thinking that arcanium armor gives buffs (extra buffs!) based on the magic you use. I dont know how powerful these will be, but if they outclass sunken and they look cool- I will use it!

piercing for sunken warrior and regeneration for sunken iron possibly sounds ok

they’d have to be rare like arcsphere rates and factor in modifiers, they’d be pretty good possibly better than sunken even with sunken not having modifiers other than atlantean sadly ( idk why drowned sunken wasn’t a thing )

Yeah… We shall see though, I can feel nimbus sea being close… Kinda. Forgot about those new armor sets! Esepcially the mage stuyff

a post from like ~3 hours ago, shows how the clash between pvp and pve players is already bad depending on your region ( enough to make long term pve players quit or fatigued )

A post kind higher mentioned dark sea lightning- AND I MUST AGREE!
Atlantean Ships? Challenging! And fun, if they end you… Thats on your for being just a smol weak mage!
Sirens? Also really! Fun
The emipre state building if it was an ultramassive desert? Also fun!
…But why does the ancient lightning, and the purple lightning strike me 3 times in one expedition! The lightning is scary…

Apparently iron arcanium armor outclassed sunken iron in terms of stats