Second Week of Discussion Announcement

Yeah I heard something about some kind of barracks building coming into the game

Me after getting my island sieged for 20 hours by 4 clans:
(Constantinople has fallen and i need to go to school)

only thing u spawnin is yo brig g

There was a plan for recruiting npc guards to protect your island but that was either scrapped or vetex ran out of time (probably the former)

I honestly bet we’ll get a new main menu theme just from how long the wait was.

The midpires is real!

I mean if you’re really dedicated you can go and look for specific castaways that have the exact appearance you want for the people working on your farms and shops

Day 2!!!

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happy day 3 people. This one usually devolves into arguments so hopefully we can get something productive from this.

Excited for array spell :grinning:


also the menu theme boutta be looking beautiful. I hope it has different music.

day 4!!!

There is no new menu theme.


Your disappointment is immeasurable
And your day is ruined

:man_shrugging: (10 characters)

W update, ima grind stuff tonight.

Sorry for the late topic today

“Our conquering shall expand vastly with the advent of this Empire’s Update.”