Should more animals be added to AO? & examples of possible uses

Imagine finding a big bear at harvest, or a mighty troll in a cave of Ravenea! The possibility’s are endless, exploring the sky islands might lead you to a phoenix. Explore the mountains and find a dragon, or maybe enjoy a nice walk with a dog you found from Redwake. This update could allow amazing things, a new beast slot smaller titan water creatures like white eyes that pull your ship helping you fight but replacing your ram. Collect stuff from these new animals as potions, and even collect white eyes scales to create new armor at a forge. THE WHITE EYES SCALED SET! This set would give extreme power, and a health boost. Giving the player a speedier time in water but slower on land, Imagine buying a dog who you could summon in battle. Attach your useless gear to your mighty animal friend! Your new sea beast could pull your ship, there would be up to 7 of them and 3 different ways to tame each. Though they get rid of your ram, they have their own special ability and tug around your ship. Multiple required to pull bigger ships like a ketch, new items for beast taming. New moves for people to use, a whole new adventure in a game people enjoy. What do you think about it, this could just be the tip of the iceberg for this update! (Due to people noting lag issues, here would be a simple solution. They would only spawn when people are on that specific island. The chances of people being on every island at once is extremely rare, they wouldnt even live on every island! If thats still a issue, clan claimed islands dont spawn animals after they are killed and besides you can slow down the spawn rate to if you like. Stopping tons of lag, and only the problem of models exist now)

I kinda felt bad about closing this, so I renamed the topic to make it seem more like something that belongs in game discussion

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Thank you, but I didnt mind it being shut down. I am never really confident in my ideas.

too much work for vetex who also doesn’t make animated animal models

iirc the whales were only added because of a contributor
I should probably explain and mention that unless it’s a shark Vetex doesn’t want to try doing it and would rather commission a model because he doesn’t really have experience making non-shark models (I think)

it’s honestly pretty liveless in the wilds without animals. like give us atleast some birds or smth.

Ok everyone say hi to Timmy and Jimmy my 2 little pets

Timmy is the one on left. Helikes to sometimes lay on his back.

Jimmy is on right and as you can see he saw something interesting nearby.

I was taking care of Timmy since he was size of normal shark while Jimmy was found in really bad condition after fight with heavy navy ketch he managed to damage. Since then I was taking care of them and had problems with finding food to feed them.

So anyway it was short story how I became proud owner of 2 adult White Eyes. I hope you all liked it and see you soon!

(Dont even ask me why I writed all of that based on 1 picture i found on discord)


“Should animals be ad-”
I’ve heard all I need to hear. Yes.

i mean a simple cat/dog that follows your around would be nice
make it a storyline plot choice, like killing elius, what you though we let him live

a interesting thing would be if dog gave you some extra attack power (or helped in attacking)
and the cat would randomly give your eg: a potion ingredient
all fun and games until the kitr comes back with promethius acromony

I know right? Though I do agree such a update would take a long time, though it is a fun thought.

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I wanna make juicy pork sandwiches in AO, yes.

2 fps :mariomug: :mariomug:

cows please
for dairy
imagine the possibilities for cooking

Finally… Dairy products…

we can cook pizza now