Should more animals be added to AO? & examples of possible uses


Thank you, but I didnt mind it being shut down. I am never really confident in my ideas.

too much work for vetex who also doesn’t make animated animal models

iirc the whales were only added because of a contributor
I should probably explain and mention that unless it’s a shark Vetex doesn’t want to try doing it and would rather commission a model because he doesn’t really have experience making non-shark models (I think)

it’s honestly pretty liveless in the wilds without animals. like give us atleast some birds or smth.

Ok everyone say hi to Timmy and Jimmy my 2 little pets

Timmy is the one on left. Helikes to sometimes lay on his back.

Jimmy is on right and as you can see he saw something interesting nearby.

I was taking care of Timmy since he was size of normal shark while Jimmy was found in really bad condition after fight with heavy navy ketch he managed to damage. Since then I was taking care of them and had problems with finding food to feed them.

So anyway it was short story how I became proud owner of 2 adult White Eyes. I hope you all liked it and see you soon!

(Dont even ask me why I writed all of that based on 1 picture i found on discord)


“Should animals be ad-”
I’ve heard all I need to hear. Yes.

i mean a simple cat/dog that follows your around would be nice
make it a storyline plot choice, like killing elius, what you though we let him live

a interesting thing would be if dog gave you some extra attack power (or helped in attacking)
and the cat would randomly give your eg: a potion ingredient
all fun and games until the kitr comes back with promethius acromony

I know right? Though I do agree such a update would take a long time, though it is a fun thought.

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I wanna make juicy pork sandwiches in AO, yes.

2 fps :mariomug: :mariomug:

cows please
for dairy
imagine the possibilities for cooking

Finally… Dairy products…

we can cook pizza now

cant wait for a lactose intolerant debuff coming after the dairy update

I’ve thought about, and discussed this with my brother lol. I don’t know how addimg different animals would affect the game (lag wise) but I definitely think it would be cool. Like imaging finding a flying whale in the sky on your way to fighting Lord Elius! Plus I think Sky blubber would be a cool way to make better gels. Speaking of which, I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks that it’s kinda annoying that the only way to get the healing effect is through fishing. You have to actively be aware of what you’re doing and concentrating to catch fish. Now imagine you’re in the shining plains and see a cow like creature like a Bison or a Bufallo. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just hunt them instead of just going fishing for like 30 minutes to at best catch a golden large Clown Fish (this did indeed happen)

Lag + model making

Considering how glitchy sea monsters can be, land animals would probably be even more broken.

Vet has expressed interest in adding animals but he does not have the modeling experience to do it