The cemetery

hold on
…so these two accounts, who just happen to be suspended until the same date at the exact same time… and one of those posted just a day after they were suspended… yeah lmao there was an attempt
Screenshot 2021-05-14 10.35.55 AMScreenshot 2021-05-14 10.37.29 AM

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Guy could have just used some VPN or something if he was really that desperate, go big or go home :fr:

To be fair, I can see why they would think their punishment was unfair, but now the punishment feels a bit fairer because of the alt.

i dont have the sauce
please father i crave for knownledge

damn, 3 month suspension
rip :pray: :pensive:

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I’m too cool to get banned :stuck_out_tongue:

Knew something was sus

I have come here to pay my respects.

We got a new body! Kind of? It’s only for like 2 days anyways.

In my opinion this is unjustified.


They should have just closed the thread, told him to stop causing drama, and moved on.

justified. let’s go.

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To be honest, the guy always came off as immature, this was honestly bound to happen

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I concur but I don’t think he should be punished. Especially considering moderators called him retarded, scum, filth, etc. IMO he wasn’t the most immature person in the thread.

tbh i didn’t really like him either. in a discussion about depth of field he came in, contributed nothing, and then started shitting on people lmao

Unsure if I agree with this, that thread was purposely made to piss off vetex, I was in a similar situation. So I honestly think he should’ve been banned. Little annoying I didn’t get similar treatment, but eh doesn’t bug me much

??? which mods?

He pissed off vetex lol.

I suppose, then again Vetex was trying to prove the point that’s he’s not a hypocrite, even if it meant he was an asshole

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that’s awesome