⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ A Many-Layered Cake of Weapon Changes!

Published by Fang Percy.

This issue of Odyssey Feed was published on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. (US).


Music You Should Hear!

The War Seas

By @Tobi



Trello News!

Here we go again! Sorry for the mega-late issue, lots of things going on lately for me. This Anchor will be another on the Weapon Revamp! There are tons of important changes, so stay tuned! :nod:

First of all, Dagger-Type Weapons were revamped. There’s not much information on this.

Soon after this, knockback from all weapons was reduced by 25%. More of a balancing change that will surely show itself in the future.

But let’s get out of this stuff, and into the Bow revamp! First of all, firing a bow in the air no longer freezes you! This could lead to things like jumping and firing over your shoulder, which will be mega helpful with ranged weapons mains in the future. Remember, everything’s viable now! :mariomug: Apart from this, 2 new animations have been created for firing your bow. Mega interesting!

And we’re at a new milestone. V1.5.69! Nice :ok_hand:. Here’s an image…

Screenshot 2021-05-04 at 9.42.01 PM

Spears revamped! And working on the Blunt-Type Weapons. We’re gonna see quite a bit of those from now on. Here we go! :point_down:

Screenshot 2021-05-04 at 10.09.45 PM

That’s a lot of information to take in. Let me cover some for you.

First of all, shields now appear in your hotbar as tools, like swords and torches. This is because they will have skills of their own. Some who have been in the deepest depths of the trello will know this, but not some.

And now, a way easier way to get a shield. The wooden shield! Found in chests when you’re level 50 or above. Having to level up for a shield was definitely a pet peeve of mine in WoM, glad it’s fixed. :relieved:

Blunt type weapons have successfully been revamped, along with equally revamped ground slam attacks! Remember how some attacks made it look as if you slammed on the ground? Maybe we’ll see some SFX! :nod:

Aaaand some timing stuff.

Moving out of that picture, here’s a HUGE change… When blocking on the ground, you now move at walking speed.

This is going to be incredible. Especially for pvp purposes. You’ll be slightly harder to punish, and it’ll feel oh so much nicer. Bravo, Vetex. :clap:

And along with those epic shield changes, we finally have the durability meter, in which we can see how close our shield is to breaking. It’ll show the durability number and the max durability!

A nerf to shields, but you can only block for 3 seconds in the air, and blocking in general has a 1 second cooldown. There’s a lot of things this changes. If there’s lots of attacks coming at you, you can’t simply parry them all. This is something I liked to do, but the timing could’ve been too large, and thus being able to perfect block a lot of things at once. Plus, it would’ve let you re-block when your air time ran out.

Small change, but melee weapon slash stamina cost is no longer relative to the level of the weapon, which makes sense to me. :thinking:

One last delicious chunk of information to cover :hungry:

Screenshot 2021-05-04 at 10.33.46 PM

So much to take in! Let me guide you!

First, we can see that there’s some things new to weapon slashes if you go the full weapons path. For now, we can only theorize what they could be.

Block breaking… What does that mean? Well, if you’re shielding and get hit by a heavy slash, your block will be broken! You’ll be significantly knocked back, and stunned for a whole half a second. This could add some spice to PvP, and encourage heavy slashing some more. I just can’t wait to see what pvp in this game will be.

Now, what’s weapon parrying? Well, when your normal slash is perfect blocked (I assume), you’ll get the same stun effect as the Block Break.

That’s all this week. I really hope you enjoyed! :heart::ok_hand::frsleepin:


Topic You Should See!

“Pupper Names Final Votes”

By @liu

Behold, liu’s new dog! That’s quite a heartwarming image :heart_eyes:. Well, in this topic, you can vote for her puppy’s new name! In my opinion, her dog looked quite like a Petra.

Congratulations liu :heart:! Make sure to vote for the name you’d like to see on the puppy!

Pupper names final vote


Art of the Week!

Averill Averill Averill

“Averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill”

By @BNTarwarn

That’s quite the long name, but I made the faithful decision to stick the entire thing in the title. As you can see, we have a really nice piece of art depicting Averill! The lighting in this one is Serene.

Also, BNT got some information on Averill from Techlevel before drawing it, and it went together very well. Great job! :nod::+1:

Averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill averill


Writing of the Week!

“The Devil’s Swordsman”

By @StarForDays

Quite a lot of good writing on the forum recently, and it was a quite tough decision if I say so myself. But one that stuck out to me was the Devil’s Swordsman, a short but striking story of a man dubbed the devil himself intervenes with a few teenagers.

You’ll have to read it for yourself! Spectacular!

The Devil’s Swordsman | Part 1


Here’s a Puzzle For You…

Last time’s Riddle Solver is @Robotstics! Congratulations for being the first to crack it!

The answer was… ”Snake”!

This Issue’s Riddle is…



First to message or ping me with the answer will get a shoutout next time I publish!

Thanks for reading this Anchor of… The Odyssey Feed!


This consumed all my gaming time

Also sorry @DubiousLittleTyp0 for your epic writing not getting on

1 Like

its ok it didn’t get on.

theres something much greater waiting to be released into this world…

something i don’t even know if this forum is ready for…

you have been warned…

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Uh oh. Anyways I gotta go to bed cya later gamers

you’re doing god’s work here

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I wish I had more hearts to give out, this forum has a good sense of humour.




Macobre, ez @Cryonical

Yes, but SmokyScarlet already guessed it.

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:sleeper: w h a t

Its done

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Liu is the first person to get the empathetic badge.

Mako got the empathetic badge on the first of March.

I think either Liu or Mako is the answer to the riddle.

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Yep, it’s liu! SmokyScarlet was the first one to get it, but congrats!

Why is this neat to read? I do not understand this sorcery!

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Just what I needed after some tests.

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