⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ Fort Talos & Huge Magic Changes!

Screenshot 2021-05-21 at 8.03.00 PM

Created by Cryonical, edited by DocTheWarBird!

Friday, June 3, 2022 (US)

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Sound Magic!


Composed by Creo


The Hook!

Hey, this is Cryonical. Welcome back to another anchor of the odyssey feed :wave:! Last time we didn’t have a whole lot to cover, but boy was it exciting! This time should be about the same. Without further ado, let’s go :point_down:!

First of all, the sailor’s lodge NPCs that have been being worked on for so long are finished :poggers2:! There’s going to be quite a lot of dialogue to sift through!

The size of fully charged spells has decreased by 50%. Probably good for balancing… unfortunately, this means I can no longer fully charge my explosion pillar and nuke entire towns in one attack :fr::frcryin::frpensive:.

But to make up for this, we have an incredibly exciting version… :drum:

Let’s go from top to bottom!

First of all… a new crew :poggers2: This is the second crew in the game, besides the Redwake Warriors! Those were added fairly early on in development, as I remember… at least quite a few months ago :mariomug:! Excited for this new crew!

Now, we’ll take a look at a few new parts of the story :eyes:.

Part 43 - Order Rumors

Part 44 - Unexpected Reunion

I haven’t actually played this yet, though it’s published, since this version was published the moment I got off :frcryin:, and I won’t be able to go into the game until tomorrow! From the context though, it seems like we hear rumors about the Order at Sailor’s Lodge, and we meet up with someone :thinking:. Very intriguing!

Now the most epic change so far :flushed:… Blast barrage attacks now fire 3 times faster! They’ll also diverge from a straight path, and will actually curve towards your mouse pointer! It looks absolutely insane :fire:, and I REALLY HOPE a screenshot or video of it gets shared with you guys :pray:.

Though it says that the damage has been rebalanced, a later change reverts it to what it was before :thinking:. Barrages are not only cool, but even more viable for punishing!

On to the next version:

First of all :eyes:

Part 45 - Arwald’s Betrayal

It seems we’re getting betrayed by someone named Arwald. My bro has the goofiest name on the planet :moyai:!

Second, the arc of the blast attack barrage projectiles has been decreased, for gameplay reasons. Their damage has also been decreased in general by 50% :chart_with_downwards_trend:.

Moving on, light and the powder magics will obstruct your vision less. Perhaps the new rapid multi blast let it stack up very fast :cold_sweat:. We also have some more various balance changes, in which pillar got a small buff and shockwave got a small nerf :nod:.

The last thing for this version is rather interesting :thinking:: Multi explosions can be aimed during their duration. What does this mean? It actually means that during the explosion, you can move the circle around with your mouse just like when you were aiming it, and the explosions will continue to come out at the circle’s location :poggers2:!

Ignoring that sentence that ran on a whole marathon, this is yet another multi attack change that will be absolutely sick :flushed:.

It doesn’t stop there, either;

Multi beams will now fire three times faster, just like blasts! Though it says the damage was rebalanced, similarly to barrage attacks, this damage was later reverted to what it was originally. No arcing for multi-beams, though… :frpensive:

This is a pretty great change, which could possibly make them a bit more viable in combat :thinking:. But what makes this even greater is that using a 2 amount beam makes it so you fire two beams at once! This increases the area of effect and damage, obviously, but it takes a while to come out :nod:.

Now, we’ll take a look at some different parts of magic, being clouds and puddles. The damage dealt by both of these things will now act like you were doing the damage. Put more simply, kills dealt by your puddles/clouds will count towards quests and act like you were the one who did it :mag:. I’ve known some people who haven’t gotten boss drops because they’ve relied on clouds to do it :sob:!

Clouds and puddles have also been optimized as well, so that there’s a bit less lag with them present :ok_hand:! Additionally, later on, the maximum size for clouds was reduced by 50%. Might have to reconsider my maximum cloud size build :frcryin:… moving on to some more magic changes :point_down:.

This is a really neat change :fire:, and it definitely makes auras more interesting. Essentially, it is now an activated spell that remains active for a preset time instead of being a toggle. It also does not consume magic energy. However (i’m not sure if this is a glitch or not, but I don’t think so :fr:), an aura being active does still block charging your magic. Have had some fun with this!

But now for something even more exciting :drum:… Introducing Fort Talos! This is a storyline island, and has quite a few story parts linked to it :nod:.

And let me tell you right now, this is by far my favorite island in the whole game :flushed:. It feels like a real fortress, with its powerful guard enemies, detailed interior, incredible story, and cannons that fire at your ship if it gets too close. It’s a wild experience you really won’t be able to get anywhere else :pray:! And there’s some surprises along the way that add incredibly interesting aspects to its story :frhigh:.

Skipping ahead quite a bit for a moment, here’s the story parts for it that we have currently :eyes:

Interesting. See if you can imply anything from this. I won’t, since I’m too scared to leak anything :+1:!

Let’s take a step back and look at v1.9.59…

First new thing is that clouds, puddles, and rubble don’t render when the user is extremely far away from them. A good change that’ll help your frames a bit :v:!

After this, another quality of life change, being that any damage will trigger combat instead of 5%. I can confirm that using my light 20 multibeam with no power stat was indeed not triggering the combat state :joy:.

We’re on a roll here. Onwards :poggers2:!

First, the fort’s trap doors work now. Interesting :nod:! It’s good this was changed, since otherwise you would have face-planted into an immovable wooden slab :moyai:.

Second, small models will unload at a decent distance from the island, which will definitely improve performance :chart_with_upwards_trend:!

Probably my favorite and least favorite change on this list is the high battle theme playing when a boss bar is on your screen but has no unique theme. Included on this list are the sea monsters :shark:. Just yesterday, Akontio (another tester) and Iwere sailing to Fort Talos. When I heard the theme, I literally knew I was dead. And yes, we both did get eaten by a White Eyes. My point is that this is actually absolutely horrifying :cold_sweat::.

Finally, we have the note that tells us about the guards’ existence, and a new sound to weapon charging :cold_face:. Speaking of the guards, actually, from the bug fixes on an upcoming version shows the existence of one of the guards’ drops: the Ravanna Balteus! Here’s Divanochi explaining what that is :face_with_raised_eyebrow::

Thanks :ok_hand:! Here’s the version this came from! Going bottom to top here:

Going bottom to top :arrow_up:! Some things I’ll skip since I’ve already gone over them.

First, it now only takes 40 seconds instead of a minute for your combat tag to wear off! Not like I could ever achieve the combat state anyways with my light file :fr:.

Next up, blast attacks under 5 won’t arc :face_with_monocle:. This is because blast attacks under 5 will probably be used for punishing, and the arcing seemed extreme, especially because it makes them more difficult to hit at close range :boom:.

Now, we have a few quick smaller changes to magic. Snow and sand’s status effects have been nerfed a bit (I wonder why :upside_down_face:), destruction auras have been dampened by 40%, and aura spells have been made a bit more costly to use :money_with_wings:.

You might notice I skipped one in the middle, being a buff to Rain of Arrows. But you’ll also notice “Storm of Arrows” :thinking:. Going off the assumption that this is a special version of rain of arrows, that the sky boss drops a bow, and that one of the sky boss’s drops has a special move, I’m going to guess that the bow has the unique move :nod::v:.

Going on, Fort Talos’s theme has been reduced a bit in the volume department. I must say I did see this one coming :sleeper:.

The very last thing for this anchor is a real biggie; custom materials have been released by Roblox :poggers2:! If you want to know why this is so important, you might have seen the insane water and sand textures on some of Vetex’s own leaks. Here’s one :eyes::

That fire ocean is the fruit of custom materials :hot_face:! And now it’s been released to the public, which means that it’s now featured in the test realm :clap:! He also had to lessen the brightness of the sea a bit to accommodate these newly introduced waters.

That’s all for this anchor. Some improvements to the format coming soon :wave:!


On Topic!

Gimmicky AO sets because why not

Posted by @Derp

Here, derp shares his myriad of all sorts of fun builds for AO. It’s always fun to get the brain juices running :dash:! And indeed, these specialized sets are really fun; i’ve delved into them myself! I have a max power build, agility/attack speed build, and a build for a really big poison cloud size, all on different files :nod:. Ignoring the self insert, specialization is fun, and you can share some things you’d like to do on this topic :+1:!


Arcane Art!

Acid Wizard Time

Created by @ItsGoods

I don’t actually recognize this user, and they only joined a few months ago, but man is this good! I really love the unique and more rugged style they’ve put into their art along with the acid dripping between the fingers :ok_hand:. Not to mention that notable drip and those braids :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Writing Wizardry!

The Unending Storm

Written by @DRobinHood

A man named Connor from the frigid Culumnus town has a lot to think about. Not only does he miss frost pears, but he also finds himself in need of frost pears :nod:. Slightly less important are the previous and foreboding events Rorik sent him careening through. With crime on the rise and the rain pouring, what kind of adventures will unfold :mag:? Super long writing that you’ll want to read all the way through!


The Chart!

Last anchor’s riddle solver was @Divanochi! Congratulations for being the first to crack it!

The answer was… ”Akursius Keep”!

You open the chart, and it reads…

The collection of all, above all.

First to comment or message me with the answer will get a shoutout next anchor!


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Thanks for reading!

Summer break started yesterday for me!


Yay I’m popular feed me clout
W feed


:pear: :snowflake:

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Forget what its called, but this thing maybe?

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Now gimme the name :wink:


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Forest of cernumo boss room

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Loud warning please :pray:

Done, also place is called Myriad Library

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Nope it’s actually called the myriad111!!1! :joy:

It’s called the myriad
clout now

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Update the odyssey feed with the most recent patch note cryo!!!

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:fr: :frsleepin: :frpensive: :frcryin:

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Fr can’t we let a dude with a name like that betray us

Probably already been answered but the Myriad, since it’s a library in the sky

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Creo song

Creo song

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no tester sneaks :sleeper:

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extremly excited to raid fort talos with the bois

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