⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ The Dark Sea!

**Written by Cryonical and @AdityaCoolDude, edited by Cryonical
Sound Magic!
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Composed by Lena Raine

The Hook!
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Hey, this is Cryonical :wave:. Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! Today, we’ll be covering lots of content from the Dark Sea! Since it’s all kept very vague, I’m sad to say we won’t have any media showcases here, just patch notes. But what we do have is pretty exciting, so I hope you’ll stay tuned :nod:!

First up is a version from last time that we never quite finished, as it had material to do with the dark sea, which I wanted to save until now :v:! First, the Dark Sea no longer just instantly gives insanity five. Instead (This was changed to be 6 in the next version), the Dark Sea has 6 ranges: The first gives no insanity, with each level after that going up a level until 5, which will simply just kill you regardless of any Warding bonuses :boom:.

On top of that, there are also 8 new statistics in order to track your successful and not so successful endeavors in the Dark Sea, the most notable in my opinion being Furthest Point Reached in the Dark Sea :world_map:. Will be pretty useful for flexing on friends… or getting flexed on.

We’re coming in hot with version 1.13.10! Quartermasters now warn you when sailing into the 4th, 5th, and 6th layers of the dark sea… though by the time you reach the 6th layer, it’s certainly too late to turn around. On top of that, your crew has unique lines while in the dark sea, some of which I’ve written. These two things definitely help increase immersion.

Many of the Dark Sea visuals have been improved :framed_picture:, along with the visuals of many insanity effects, which now have names on the trello, such as vision blot and inverted colors. Interesting :face_with_monocle:! Other visual changes such as global messages sent from the dark sea having a different look, and dark sea border effects have come into play, as well, which add onto our eye candy when sailing into the ruinous world beyond :derelict_house:!

Additionally, a few extra quirks have been added this version: A brand new type of lightning has been added :zap:, which we know absolutely nothing about, the lighting in the Dark Sea changes the further you go, likely being different in each of the 6 layers, which adds a sense of progression you’re sure not to forget :nod:.

And, to make it even harder of a time, Clearsight potions only are 50% as effective when in the Dark Sea, making it harder to see past the tough weather and fog :foggy:. The Player Marker is obviously hidden to hinder navigation, and lastly for this version, dying in the dark sea displays a server-wide message, to warn other players of your grisly fate :headstone:!

In a stark contrast from the last version, the navigability of the Dark Sea has been greatly increased :eye:! Now, sailor chests found underwater, likely referring to being spawned at diving points and diving structures, can grant a Dark Sea Compass :compass:. Though we’re not sure how it works in your inventory, it adds a purple hand that points towards the nearest sea cluster, and works in the Dark Sea. This provides a convenient way to get out! Though, I must admit, getting lost in the Dark Sea sounded like quite an additional challenge, but this is probably much less rage inducing, considering the amount of navigation and turning you’ll likely have to do :wheel:.

We also have a visual change, being to the Dark Sea border in order to improve its looks :mirror:, and a small handful of sound changes; Dark Sea related sound effects have had their volume adjusted slightly, and the Dark Sea also has its own ambient sound effects for added spookiness :ghost:. There’s also been an “added unique effect” to the rain in the Dark Sea, though we’re not sure what this entails, exactly. Perhaps a status or visual effect… who knows for sure?

The Dark Sea finally presents its first layer of danger :skull_and_crossbones:… if you don’t count the insanity and rough seas. Whirlpools and Large Waves can now spawn randomly in the Dark Sea, their size depending on how far out you are. And it’ll only get worse from here as we continue reading through these patch notes :scroll:! On top of this, an “unique ocean event” can also spawn in the Dark Sea, which tier 3 and higher quartermasters can talk about! Very intriguing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Additionally, the “Chaos energy” insanity effect has been improved, likely with the “new” fire particles since the second magic revamp :fire:.

Hey, this is AdityaCoolDude here! :wave:

Now coming in with 1.13.13, things start to get intense :rage:. We now have a new random spawning effect for the Dark Sea, not to mention scratches, blood stains, and armor cracks which will not disappear, certainly a testament to the distress and danger that your character is going to endure whilst in the Dark Sea :crossed_swords:.

We’re finally getting mega structures in the Dark Sea :poggers2:, which is going to be added in the Insanity 1+ ranges of the Dark Sea, which will definitely be an interesting experience for the player sailing alongside them!

To add even more, fishing is now much more exciting, with you being able to catch Massive fish :fishing_pole_and_fish:! This brand new variant is even bigger than giant fish, and due to the immense size, will replenish far more hunger when cooked. These insanely high stats are going to make it high in value, and will even sell for more galleons than golden fish. Good luck trying to obtain them, there is no guarantee of an easy time :smiling_imp:!

Onward, to 1.13.14! The ram strength of the Brig has been increased exponentially, with it being changed from 600 to 1,200 :frhigh:! The Brig was already going to be one powerful tool for you to use in the upcoming update, and this ram change just made it even more so.

With even more structures, we’re not just given small structures, but also mega structures :chart_with_upwards_trend:, which are going to be spawning in the Insanity 1+ ranges of the Dark Sea. There is a lot of suspense and mystery hidden amongst these structures :mag:. Possibly new potion ingredients or even new PvE experiences for the player; the possibilities are amazing!

Here we are at 1.13.15! We’ve been given more information on ship changes in the Dark Sea. The amount of rocking back and forth of ships in the Dark Sea has been increased, with more ocean particles in the Dark Sea :boom:. Quite a change… it adds a lot to the “rough” aspect of the Dark Sea, making it seem like your boat might capsize any minute!

In addition to that, the mega structures that will spawn in the Insanity 1 and above ranges of the Dark Sea have finally been finished! Hooray!

More visual effects are delivered to the megastructures in this new version, which should be quite exciting to see :v:! Speaking of megastructures, another one has been added which will also spawn in the tier 1 insanity ranges of the Dark Sea and above, which opens up even MORE possibilities for players in the Dark Sea :sparkles:!

Proving just how much distress and horror the Dark Sea really delivers to the player, they now receive eyebags and stop smiling once they have entered the Insanity 2+ ranges of the Dark Sea, which never leaves you until you step out of the Dark Sea :sleeper:. This is quite a spooky addition to the Dark Sea, and immerses you into the increasing levels of insanity.

The visibility on the soul cry insanity effect has been increased, and there is now a 6-minute-long cooldown for the effect :hourglass_flowing_sand:! After all this, you’d think the player had suffered enough, but nonetheless, another testament to the horrors of the Dark Sea!

We now have our first potion change in this next version, with its effect only applying to party members. Absolutely a positive change that people will now use the potion for its intended use!

Coming in hot with 1.13.18, literally :thermometer:! Thermo Fist has received a buff in its charge speed, with it being reduced from 1.4x to 1.3x.

Now, coming in cold :ice_cube:, Frozen and Petrified Effects are capped at 1 second. Previously, they would stun your opponent for an absolutely absurd amount of time, making them highly abusable in pvp. Now that they’ve been changed, fights involving breweries might be much more fair :balance_scales:!

With this new version, we have even more buffs, with the Aura spell’s duration being changed from 20 seconds to 25, certainly a change which will enable this spell to be extra effective in combat :+1:!

We also have Focus technique buff with the duration being changed from 15 seconds to 20 seconds, certainly a change that Berserkers will enjoy!

In this new version, things will be even harder for you in the Dark Sea :fearful:. Whirlpools in the Dark Sea spawn at twice the regular size :cyclone:, and can sometimes be coated with magic. Along with this comes magic imbued waves, which now deal more damage than a regular wave. All of this magic weather applies status effects to you and your ship, and does damage to you over time… This shows that nature and magic aren’t always on your side!

The Dark Sea just got a little more magical with this next change :crystal_ball:! Magic rain storms may now pour down, dealing damage on contact, and applying their status effect. You’ll need to rely on your surroundings to figure out how to protect yourself from this, as the rough seas will certainly show no mercy :ocean:.

But it gets worse :worried:; below, we can witness something we have little info on, perhaps an event, that looks even more dangerous!

Even more magic is coming our way, with tornadoes having magic imbued inside them :tornado:. This is certainly going to be a huge pain for you to deal with if the necessary precautions aren’t taken, and if you don’t keep an eye out for funnels on the horizon :sun_behind_large_cloud:! We also have some new visual changes, with lightning lighting up clouds, and the lightning visuals themselves receiving an improvement.

A bit of light has been shed on the Insanity 3+ ranges by Vetex, with those ranges now being known as the Far Reaches! Quite interesting :thinking:… and don’t worry, you’ll be able to see when you’ve reached it, with the name appearing on the top of your screen!

Magic tornadoes are now less of a threat to ships, with the sail tearing damage being reduced, but be cautious, as they are still overwhelmingly dangerous :skull_and_crossbones:. On a similar note, shifting back to the Bronze Sea, the rate of tornadoes and blizzards have increased by two times! Yikes, watch out :scrunched_eyes:!

Things start to get serious with this next version, which contains the new Dark Sea enemy ships :eyes:! However, their lore, names and rewards are kept hidden, so it’s up to you to find out in-game :male_detective:. We’ve also been given some new visual/sound changes, with the splash and explosion volume being reduced when mortar shots land in the ocean… these were both quite loud before :hear_with_hearing_aid:.

We have some even more buffs coming our way :nod:! The Hull Armor on ships has increased durability with it being twice as durable, a massive buff that will certainly come in useful within the depths of the Dark Seas :poggers2:! To help out with this, the sail tearing damage and range of Dark Sea tornadoes have been reduced, making your life a little easier among the waves beyond the War Seas.

Good news; The Dark Sea enemy ships have finally been finished! We have yet to have received any information on the ships, and it’s not been fully finalized, so changes are subject to occur.

In this next version, the enemies that you are going to be facing on the Dark Sea ships have random sizes that correspond to their tier :face_with_monocle:. The higher the tier, the more enhanced the health and attack size is from the enemies. They won’t speak their attack names, either, so you’ll need to rely more on your reflexes to win the fight! Best of luck to you :four_leaf_clover:.

Oh, and did I forget to mention, to make your fight more dramatic, there’s now a ship battle theme for Dark Sea enemy ships! Whoo, that’ll spice things up a notch, now, won’t it :hotsprings:?

Coming in with 1.13.28, Dark Sea enemies drop items with unique modifiers on them. These affect their stats and appearances. However, there is a catch. You’ll need to be willing to suffer the horrors of the Insanity effect :eye:, which is absolutely not pretty to suffer at all. The decision is yours :thinking:!

We now move on to the next feature of unique modifiers! A new and rare item can be dropped from dark sea enemy ships, which allows you to apply this same modifier to any accessory or armor piece that you want, such as boss gear :frhigh:! Pretty cool feature!

Moving on with 1.13.29. The damage of ship weapon attachments have been increased by twice, which will help with not having to jump underwater and shoot sea monsters yourself :skull:! An excellent change!

Next, we have new- well, pretty familiar- monsters lurking within the Dark Sea’s depths. If you thought White Eyes and Poison Jaws in the Bronze Sea were fearsome, then just wait. In the Dark Sea, both of these create spawn but at twice the size. These giant versions of sea monsters deal twice the damage, twice the health, and the drop rates are increased by 2x :boom:! Additionally, you can no longer receive or send trades once you enter the Dark Sea, so be careful. A testament to the merciless nature of the Dark Sea, indeed :mariomug:!

In other news, there’s now a cooldown to how fast enemy ships in the Dark Sea can spawn on you, making sure you’re not too overwhelmed, and they only spawn in the Insanity areas of the Dark Sea to increase the incentive to travel here.

This next adjustment is a sad one for savants… but definitely good for the rest of us. The tiers of savant spells, techniques and weapon skills have been nerfed since they could get higher than full builds depending on how the stat points are assigned :cold_sweat:. Good luck with this upcoming change to all savants out there!

It’s finally here :drum:… Procedural Island generation for the Dark Sea has finally begun! They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and biomes. Not only this, but they can spawn unique reagents, caves, and can even contain foes and structures! Expect the unexpected for sure… you’ll never know exactly what’s coming next :eyes:!

The above screenshot contains one of these spooky giant sea monsters, but in the fog lurks a feature we’ll be covering up next :dash:!

Finally, 1.13.31 has many things to show! The island generation is finished for the Dark Sea, and I know all of us are looking forward to seeing how it’ll look!

First off, the islands generate in 6 different shapes with modifiers that can affect the terrain shape and generation style :mag:. This adds many variations of islands which gives the player a more unique experience! There are 17 types of biomes for these islands including rare ones, which we might see or get some information on in the future! The island sizes vary, and can be small, medium, or large, and their maximum altitude also varies. Caves and waterfalls with chests inside are subject to appear, along with enemies that you can fight :crossed_swords:, accompanied by varying structures containing loot!

New islands are automatically generated once you are sailing in the Dark Sea, and they disappear once you are not near it anymore. The despawning process is based on distance, so it doesn’t affect faraway players- quite an amazing feature, keeping immersion in mind :sparkles:! There’s certainly a lot to offer within these generated islands! More are going to be added, as well, so expect even more variety in your gameplay when this long-awaited update releases :nod:!

We have a few images of that same island generation here. I sprinkled some more of the images from the same batch around the anchor previously, to give you a visual on what we were explaining! Without further ado;

This is Cryonical, and that’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. If you realize there’s some new content missing, that’s because I want to get into this more regularly, and I’d love to instead save some for the next anchor; also, haha, formatting issues coming off of Google Docs! Peace out :v:!

On Topic!
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Show the greatest randomized NPC/ship names you’ve ever seen
Posted by @PrismaticStarsHCH

One thing you might have noticed a long time ago about NPC ships and NPCs themselves in Arcane Odyssey is their great randomized names :game_die:! Chosen from a pool of random nouns, adjectives, and other types of words, there can be some pretty silly combinations! Whether it be the Doomed Doom, The Merchant, Tate the Rich, or even more selections from the wacky varieties, lots of players have seen, well… interesting combos :sob:!

Arcane Art!
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[ANIMATIC] Neviro being expendable
Created by @rouver2345

After looking through the main cast, you have lots of interesting friendly faces :+1:! Iris, who you helped find out what happened to her father and helped you along your journey, Morden, who has been with you the whole time, defeated another curse user, and helped guide you, and Neviro, who showed up in 2 story parts and was wiped by King Calvus :skull:. It’s clear here who the expendable one is, and it’s shown in an absolutely great fashion with a wonderful art style presented by rubynmax1! They did a great job, I was sure to commend it :poggers2:!

Writing Wizardry!
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** Kulvir’s Story - Regrettable Remembering (Complete)**
Written by @RCotton

Regrettable Remembering is an incredibly long and in-depth series written by RCotton :nod:. This set of installments only recently came to light to me, so perhaps they haven’t posted it on forums a lot; you’ll have to read it on Wattpad :bulb:! The amount of content and dedication here is incredible, and incredible more so is the journey you’ll be taken on from a strange beginning to an half-fulfilling but endearing continuation through Cotton’s world :v:. Super awesome job with all this!

The Chart!
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Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @pristine! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”2 gunpowder for the two height, one Firework Star first crafted with Orange Dye and gunpowder, then combine that with Red Dye to achieve a fade to red, then for the last, a Firework Star from gunpowder and Yellow Dye combined with a fire charge (for the large ball effect) and glowstone dust (for the sparkle).”!

You Open The Scroll…

“Audio Region”

First to comment the answer below will get a shoutout next anchor!




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Thanks for reading!
Thanks for both you (And Aditya :sob:) being patient for me during my vacation!

If you’re wondering why this took so long, since it was a collaboration I had some formatting issues at the end and, more prominently, I was on a 2 week vacation and couldn’t work a whole lot, besides those moments when I had access to my DMs with Aditya.

sound magic?

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No, but close!

deep dark?

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Dark sea ambiance?


Augh it’s really late for me so I’ll have to read this tomorrow morning :sob:

Nothing quite like sitting down to read the latest Odyssey Feed.

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Nothing like a good old Odyssey Feed and a cup of tea to start the day with :tea:

This edition ## the odyssey #### is #### # Arcane ####### ###### of #### am # ####

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W feed as always

Love how this one turned out!

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