⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ The Brig, Clans Changes, and Huge Quality of Life!

Written by Cryonical, edited by DocTheWarBird
Sound Magic!
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Dark Sci-Fi Forest
Composed by Crazyblox

The Hook!
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Hey, this is Cryonical :wave:. Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! I’ve been procrastinating for a hot minute on the Odyssey Feed, and I’ve also been doing some building, along with, uhm, even more procrastinating. I barely even have an excuse anymore :headstone:! Anyways, we’re going to be covering (and skimming past) a lot of information here, so read if you dare.

First, here, we have a TON of changes to the Notoriety system and the negative reputation experience to make it a little bit more manageable for those partaking in it :ok_hand:.

Notoriety drains faster, and notoriety ships try to spawn when your location changes, or when you stay in a location for 2 minutes. Additionally, if you have under 3 stars of notoriety and aren’t on a populated island, these forces will not spawn at all, with a special message :nod:. Notoriety is also much cheaper to clear, and Grand Navy ships have better and smarter pathfinding that means they won’t chase you across the ocean as much :swimming_man:. All of these changes both make their spawning and justice system more immersive and fair, increasing quality of life for casual criminals :mariomug:!

But the main highlight of this note is that criminals can now use any shop npc, when previously they had to find criminal shipwrights or do everything at whitesummit :sleeper:. However, this comes at the cost of updating your location on the bounty board. This is easily a good tradeoff, while still making an incentive to use these negative reputation NPCs, and is probably one of the greatest changes to renown we’ll ever see for quality of life :pray:.

Additionally, NPCs on ship no longer ragdoll, which caused some pretty bad lag :boom:, and clearing your notoriety prevents notoriety ships from spawning for 2 minutes, making it less probable that you get stuck in a loop of gaining notoriety from ships that have already spawned due to your wantedness :skull:. Another absolutely incredible change that’s come in version 1.12.35 is that underwater stucture exploration is no longer per-server, but instead saves across :poggers2:: Every fully explored structure adds 5% to the count, meaning you have to finish twenty across all servers to earn Bronze Sea Diver! Definitely a major improvement to the previous system :trophy:!

More quality of life is on the way! On the second and third times you are required to climb the stepstones, you are instead teleported up, fading to a black screen saying “later that day”. Probably the best thing that could have been done here :+1:, and great for preventing that immersion-ruining resetting.

1.12.37 is mostly just some renown and infamy balancing, and basically just some number changes :sob:. There’s also some things such as people with high renown being put into combat when someone hunting them is nearby, which is great for making it harder to run with high renown. I’ll let you read these for yourself :face_with_monocle:.


However, there are a few gems in this version I want to cover :gem:. Let’s take a look:


First, all clan-captured islands take 3 minutes to capture, regardless of the clan’s tier, unlike before :frhigh:. This is because with the upcoming changes, it won’t be necessary. We’ll see that in just a moment! Unclaimed islands take 20 seconds, still, however. A pretty great change, especially considering how capturing any island from a high tier clan takes, like, half an hour :fr:.

Second, a brand new, highly-suggested feature joins the fray: ship unloading :fire:! Quartermasters can now be given the command to clear the ship, which will prompt your crew to, with a delay between each, sell all sealed chests, cargo, and explosive barrels on the board of your ship. You need to be near to a shipwright, obviously, and during this you cannot take command of your ship in order to sail it away, and you cannot pick up any things on the deck marked to be sold :pushpin:. This is a huge quality of life feature that makes it easier to sell your sealed chests and finish cargo runs, instead of needing to grab and sell each item manually. However, since this makes cargo runs in particular so much faster, the EXP gained from each is 20% instead of 33% :chart_with_downwards_trend:.

v1.12.38 is quite short, but brings something quite interesting :eyes:: Criminal, hero, and rival NPCs now have a maximum level of 160 instead of 130, meaning they can be much tougher, especially your rival, which makes them more difficult and interesting to defeat, or in the case of rivals, farm :farmer:. 1.12.39, 41, and 42 are just balancing, so I’ll skip past these.

The aforementioned new Claiming changes are here, with the Claiming Flag, which can be found in chests or sold by merchants :balance_scale:. In the next version, it also becomes purchasable from Thorin, which I figured I’d mention here. Now, in order to claim an island, you have to hold the flag and click while on solid ground, which makes it so you can explore islands without having to claim them :poggers2:.

While claiming, the flag goes onto your back. On top of this while an island is being claimed, a red flag icon will appear over your head, a green shield will appear over all other players in your party, and a red shield will appear over everyone else :nod:. This fixes the issue of being able to hide somewhere to be able to easily keep your island contested, with nothing they can do about it besides drink high tier revealing and pray :place_of_worship:.

In the release of the potions update, version 1.13, we have only a few new things to look at; the eleven new obtainable items that you can add onto your wardrobe for some insane drip potential :flushed:! The Deluxe Iron Helmet, Deluxe Iron Armor, Deluxe Iron Boots, Loose Scarf, Toothpick, Round Hood, Head Goggles, Sunset Shades, Archer Cloak, Archer Vest, and Archer Boots have been added to the game, each with 16 color variations, besides the 2 Deluxe Iron Boots, Archer Boots, and Sunset Shades, which come in one style :business_suit_levitating:. Definitely a huge upgrade to our fit variety!

v1.13.1, v1.13.2, and v1.13.3 are balancing, so I won’t really cover them. Let’s move on!

The first thing we’ll see on our beloved version 1.13.4 is that Prometheus’s Acrimony, the reagent for interchange, has had it’s chance from any ingredient bag uppered from 1 in 800 to 1 in 2,000 :game_die:. This makes sense, as it was supposed to be very rare outside of it’s intended obtainment method, which does not yet exist. Interchange potions are indeed quite powerful as well, especially in a brew or gel form :face_with_monocle:.

Next, the backpack search will now search for item type, sub type, rarity, and uses in brewing :pray:. He also provides us examples, the most notable of these in my opinion being that searching scorch provides both scorch potions and all scorch reagents, such as the skyfire bloom :fire_magic:. This makes navigation of the backpack much more convenient in every way, especially for recipes!

Let’s look at a few small changes before moving onto the real deal of this anchor. Gunpowder barrels now sell for 40 galleons :moneybag:, as they were quite underpowered before, the amount of cannonballs found in all types of chests, including sealed chests, has increased by twice, and all cannonball types have had their value decreased :money_with_wings:.

Now introducing the brig! This enormous ship, fit for the most powerful captains in the Bronze Sea, is larger and better than the Ketch, not only sporting a ram, but 26 cannons :eye:: 12 on each side, and, quite unexpectedly, 2 in the front for great combo potential with the aforementioned ram! At base, it has 12 thousand durability (It was 7,000 for only this version), 75% stability, 50 turning, 75 speed, 65 resilience, and 600 ram strength, all perfect for both bloody warfare and sailing through the Dark Seas like it’s nobody’s business :explosion_magic:. Not only that, but the Brig contains, on board, 4 deckhands and a siege weapon: A brand new weapon type which we’ll talk about, along with the Captain’s Quarters, in the next versions :mariomug:. All this doesn’t come cheap, though; the Brig costs a hefty 20 thousand galleons, only purchaseable at Ravenna Shipwrights, so you’d better start emptying your clan bank :bank:!

Brigs in the bronze sea do not spawn naturally as NPCs: Only at four and five star notoriety are they spawned, by the Grand Navy :fearful:. Coming off of that note, here’s some incredible images of the Brig’s exterior, with all it’s weaponized glory :star_struck:!

Next up are versions 1.13.5, and 1.13.6 and boy are they another few exciting ones!

With the completion of this dynamic duo of progress on Arcane Odyssey’s Brig, all the features of the Captain’s Cabin have been completed, so we can talk about them :v:! I’ll actually do it in a bullet point format, just so you can take in the enormity of it :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Cooking Pots, Cauldrons, and Jewelcrafting tables, for extreme convenience on the open seas :hammer_and_wrench:. Craft up a storm without even leaving your ship!
  • Banners of each kingdom you’ve been to! And apparently, there’s 10 total across the entire game, which is very interesting indeed :mag:.
  • Piles of treasure in your cabin appear and grow depending on how many galleons you have, for flexing your immense value :money_mouth_face:!
  • Wanted Posters and Assassination Contracts in the form of papers on your desk :busts_in_silhouette:, making it even easier to track your targets and keep a poster on hand.
  • A gem rack, which you can slot one of every type of gem into :gem:. A fun novelty feature!
  • A bed, which you can interact with to set your spawn there. The brig truly is a floating fortress :european_castle:! Beware, though, since your enemies can deactivate your spawn by interacting with it themselves, and you can’t respawn there if the ship is in the Dark Sea. On top of this, where you spawn is now determined by which is closer for convenience :world_map:.
  • A fish tank :fishing_pole_and_fish:, which you can insert and take out a maximum of five different fish! They display inside the tank, though I must admit I don’t know if they swim around. The rot timer doesn’t pause though, so they may disintegrate the moment they leave the water :headstone:
  • Several different picture frames, which you can insert custom IDs in :eyes:! While this may seem grim due to Roblox’s less than perfect moderation, it opens up lots of opportunities for personalization and immersion :sparkles:!

Just like last time, we have some pictures of the Captain’s Quarters for you, fresh off the press :hotsprings:! As you can see in this interior clad with the colors of the Assassin Syndicate, your clan logo also makes a cameo.

That was a doozy! But as you can see, that last version also mentioned the first tier of siege weapons, obtainable as blueprints from a sealed chest at the quite high Level 120 :cloud:. We’ll look further at these in the next two versions :nod:!

This first version, 1.13.7, is quite short, simply adding the Mortar functionality, the details of which have been given to us! They can be activated by being on your wheel and holding shift, then clicking on the desired spot to rain hell :boom:! Version 1.13.8, which we’ll look at right up next, also makes it so that you can take aim of a single mortar by interacting it, just like cannons or hunting attachments :+1:.

There are four different types of siege weapons, each of which have 15 upgrades that can be obtainable at higher and higher level caps :ladder:. The first tier of all four, though, are obtainable at level 120.

The mortar is the base type, which has a fuse length of one. Howitzers, the second type, have further range, less spread, and more damage, making them a more precise weapon of destruction! Heavy mortars, the third type, have a much shorter range, but have more spread and damage. Though, they also take longer to reload :recycle:! Lastly we have Coehorns. These may seem underwhelming, with low range, damage, and spread, but they have a very short reload time to compensate :zap:! Below, we have an image of the interface of what I believe is a normal mortar, taking aim :dart:! It’s truly quite intimidating.

The last few updates we have to look at today are short but sweet. The Captain’s Quarters of the Brig now update every 2 minutes when they previously only did by redocking or respawning, which is great for updating your coin count, and clan & kingdom banners!

And at last, spread across the end of this version and the next, we have the addition of a long awaited feature :drum: Shipyard UI tabs! Now, instead of painstakingly scrolling through every single one of your items to equip to your brand new Brig, or to enchant or sell, you can click on a variety of tabs to sort them, making individual pieces far easier to find :ok_hand:! Truly a powerful quality of life addition that will make a big impact!

That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out :v:!

On Topic!
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Pristine’s Perilous Potion Pursuit
Posted by @pristine

There are many things in and out of this universe we can’t understand: It’s creation, dark matter, what’s at the bottom of a black hole, multiverses, and what’s at the back of the fridge :cold_sweat:. However, even greater than these, one remains: dedication, which I will never fully understand after my full career of pure procrastination :skull:. Here, Pristine has become the second coming of BurgertownXXL, and has, in the span of a few weeks, racked up several million potion EXP. While I think it’s no doubt probably easier to gain potion EXP than cooking, it’s no laughable achievement in my opinion :nod:!

Arcane Art!
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Three types of replies
Created by @Jinelle

Our community has quite the reputation for being completely unhinged :boom:. And, in many cases, you’ll get pretty funny screenshots from place such as the wiki, which is what this art draws from! In an incredibly well-done and eye-capturing manga style :sparkles:, Jinelle recreates the comment thread in question using the Arcane Odyssey cast, in something that turned out both fulfilling and humorous to read! This is pretty great, so go show them some support! (By the way, I grind mastery at Fort Talos too :fire:!)

Writing Wizardry!
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An NPC’s Perspective: Vice Captain McClain
Written by @Catean

Even with all the very well written dialogue by a variety of testers (I was unfortunately burnt out at the time :sleeper:), one seldom feels bad for defeating a captain and crew of an NPC ship. However, here, in this wonderfully written piece of literature by the one and only Catean, we see a different perspective; one with relations, motivations, a life story, hopes, dreams, and aspirations, which you miss when murdering countless clues in-game :thinking:. The end is quite a whiplash, quite notably in a good way :+1:, so you won’t want to miss it!

The Chart!
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Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @Pyronical! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”dubuoyevaeltnowi”!

You Open The Scroll…

“Scratch Ingredients: 2 Height, Orange Star with Fade to Red, Yellow Large Ball with Sparkle”

First to comment the answer below will get a shoutout next anchor!

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Thanks for reading!
:fireworks: Happy Late 4th of July! :us:

yo mama

shout out to whoever suggested the fe2 ost
suggest SSR ost next time pls :nod:

You can suggest stuff on the server if you’d like.

W feed as always :fire: :ship:

I have no idea what this means :skull: Fireworks?

Yes, that’s a firework.

Had a feeling it was, but wasn’t sure how to decode it or what the reference was

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I’m surprised you don’t know, I won’t lie.

The riddle: burning nova potion.

How do I find out what the ID for the image is though?

It’s in the decal’s URL.


A firework from Minecraft. 2 gunpowder for the two height, one Firework Star first crafted with Orange Dye and gunpowder, then combine that with Red Dye to achieve a fade to red, then for the last, a Firework Star from gunpowder and Yellow Dye combined with a fire charge (for the large ball effect) and glowstone dust (for the sparkle).

Do I win?

@Cryonical why are you laughing at this

You gotta go in studio right?

Yes, you do! I meant the star shape firework for the first one but it was pretty misleading so I’ll give it to you.

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No, you just upload the image as a decal, then go to the page of that decal and grab the URL.

Thank god I had my annual MC phase like, two weeks ago.


I’m pretty sure the ID in the URL is always slightly false, so you gotta substract 1 to it until it’s correct to get the actual ID, or was that fixed?