⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ The Nimbus Sea!

Anchor #98 of:
Written by Cryonical, edited by DocTheWarBird

Since November 28, 2020

Sound Magic

The Call of Adventure
Composed by @Tobi

The Hook

Hey, this is Cryonical :wave:. Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! There’s plenty of images to show to you guys, especially with the active twitter account for the game! So, let’s get started :clap:!

This one will be a bit shaky :sleeper:; once again, I’ve procrastinated until the last second… but this time, I’ve gone even further beyond, and procrastinated BEYOND the Nimbus Sea update, and even beyond the Easter One! But with pretty much exactly 2 months worth of path notes and twitter posts to cover, and with an absurd amount of image, patch notes, and everything else, I’ll be covering only some notable images (I might have missed some :sob:)! And some very important patch notes and additions.

And this isn’t for the whole update… just things since my last issue, I think. I promise things will get smoother starting after the easter update, which I won’t be able to cover due to a vacation I will be taking… I would if I could :+1:! You can read through the trello here!

First of all, throughout this past month, we’ve compiled quite the assortment of images of Sameria, the new main story island and spawn point :nod:! The island is absolutely massive… much larger than Ravenna… nearing even the size of the World of Magic map! And, in all it’s glory, we’ve been provided quite a few angles of it. Take a look :eyes:!

There’s so much to see in Sameria, whether it’s the scenic towns, the fiery dunes, the blazing sun on the sand, the waterways, the lush greenery, or the magnificent palace in its core. I’ll see you there tomorrow. :frhigh:!

Next up, we have something a bit different… Tobi, the GOAT :goat:, has supplied us with yet another bit of the content that he’s been working on endlessly to create; Drakos Arch! This island does really look amazing, so be sure to check it ASAP :zap:! I definitely wish I had the skill and the passion he does when building things, it’s amazing!

Of course, there’s also the news that the map shows the borders between the seas… for example, in the Bronze Sea, it would show that south of Othrys would bring you right to the Nimbus Sea :nod:. We’ll be discussing that in a second, but take a second to look at these amazing images of the star of the show :sparkles:!

Before we get to the Nimbus Sea barrier, though, there’s a new type of fishing pole with a high level of strength, allowing you to have a better chance to catch bigger fish and reel them in more easily, though it comes at the cost of rarity chance :scales:. I might stick to bronze for now, but I’ll have to see how everything plays out. Always cool to have more options after so long :fire:!

Though I “hyped up” the barrier, it’s actually really quite simple. Like I said, to enter the Nimbus Sea from the Bronze Sea (the northernmost sea :compass:), you’ll have to head south beyond Othrys, where you’ll find a sea barrier, though its a bit more obvious than the one from Arcane Adventures, I believe :eye:. You’ll receive a prompt similarly to go to the Nimbus Sea, however, and you can always come back!

Additionally, anything you had placed on your deck will be preserved in your ship’s cargo hold, which can be used later :+1:. So, feel free to switch between the two seas however you’d like! Below is an image I took of it:

Let’s address the real elephant in the room: All of the new ARMOR coming with the release of the Nimbus Sea :shield:! There’s been a mention of most of it in the patch notes, but I’m not going to scour those to try to compile what will probably be, at this rate, a repetitive or flawed list. Instead, just know that there’s… a lot for everyone to enjoy. Like, a LOT of armor :cold_sweat:. I’m having trouble keeping track in the test universe myself!

However, there’s been an image or two showing, conveniently, a few new outfits you can add to your wardrobe :nail_care:. Take a look:

But even with the specialty armor, such as Arcanium, which scales its stats with its aligned magic, as well as your build having magic in it, there’s still a few new stats to add even more spice into the mix :hot_face:! Introducing: Healing, Piercing, and Resistance! They do exactly what they sound like, but you can take a look below if you’d like to confirm your suspicions :mag:.

Not only do they come with plenty of the new armor, as well as having been added to some of the old sets to give them a bit of extra flair :fire:, we have new exotic enchantments and gems for all 3 of the new stats. Regeneration has the Healing enchantment, Armor Piercing gets Piercing, and Resistance gets, well, Resilient. You can get these scrolls through any normal means, and despite their exotic status, you can’t only get them through the Dark Sea. We’re moving up in the world :cloud:!

Additionally, we’re making off with a few new exotic gemstones :gem:… Adventurine, Fire Opal, and Azurite for Regeneration, Armor Piercing, and Resistance respectively, allowing you to integrate them further into your build if you’d like :eyes:! Similarly to the scrolls, they can be obtained in the same way that rare gems can be :chart_with_upwards_trend:.

Lastly, before we look at some images of these stats, and a description from the twitter further explaining them :scroll:, I should note that the armor these new stats appear on is level 100 or above (So some of the old armor now has them as well, but not all of them obviously), and the new scrolls and gems can only be found above level 100 :mariomug:. We won’t have people coming out of redwake with their exotic resistance scrolls and adventurine :triumph:!

I’ve delayed it long enough, so here’s (hopefully) a better explanation than what I provide, and with a look at some of the new icons! This screenshot was taken by @sock, so thanks to them, I could get this all written down at school while I don’t have discord access :sob:.

In other news, we have a change to the files gamepass! You can now purchase up to 15 slots on a single account (Though I don’t know how you’d manage that many, especially with how much grinding is needed to get a viable build for any sort of player interaction :sleeper:), but if it’s more variety and replayability you seek, here you have it! I know for sure a few people who have resorted to making alts to continue enjoying the game and especially it’s storyline in new ways, so this should be helpful :pray:!

Additionally, the now retired “More Files” gamepass will stay if you already own it, and you will still have 6 files. Not to worry :sunglasses:!

It’s not too exciting and is quite expected, but we have a title and badge for the Nimbus Sea Diving meter :ocean:, which will probably be very similar to the bronze sea one, since diving structures work the same across seas as far as I’m aware, and can have the same structure types. Regardless, go for it if you want to keep that title updated with the brand new sea :thinking:! I’ve also included an image of it below this patch note.

But before that, we have another thing to discuss. A new lore book has been added :open_book:! It’s called “The Arcane Chronicles” has been added to the loot table of chests, a first of its kind! It exists in order to copy the Lore Document, which I’m assuming you all have read :eyes:, into the in-game world! For vetex, this was a “why not” situation, according to the patch notes, but I’m sure a lot of people will appreciate having more of a, well, “physical copy” :clap:.

One of the first story locations, the Forest of Mast, was revealed through the patch notes, so that this next image can receive a label :trophy:. Besides this, I’d say we don’t know too much about the place, but you can be sure that with all that wreckage, it must be a hazardous area to loiter in :skull_and_crossbones:

Onto more patch notes!

Here, we might have to scroll through some boring balancing changes, though they also do give us another look at the weapons dropped by the new boss in the Forest of Masts, the Plunderers and the Thalassi. There’s also a new skill, Power Shot, which seems like it belongs to a gun or bow, but I’d guess a gun, so it could be either. I’m not too knowledgeable here :sob:!

But most importantly, there’s been some HUGE changes to enchantment scrolls :crystal_ball:! First on the list, the common fishing enchantments, luring, magnetic, lucky (I believe there was another one, sturdy or reinforced, don’t exactly remember the name, so perhaps there’s some sort of typo :fr:), can no longer be obtained in their scroll form. This means that when you roll for an enchantment scroll from any sort of chest from where you can obtain them, you won’t end up with a fishing enchantment you could just buy and enchant rods for :fishing_pole_and_fish:. This could be very underwhelming before, so I’m glad it received a change.

Speaking of enchantment scrolls, though, the Dark Sea’s exotic enchantments made pvp into a grindfest for some casual players, especially since you can’t transfer enchants and for a variety of other reasons. They provided lots of stats and were very expensive or difficult to obtain :sleeper:! However, now, rare enchantments have been taken away from the loot pool of dark sealed chests, essentially doubling your chances for an exotic enchant :money_mouth_face:! Certainly, popping open a ton of dark sealed chests and receiving fishing enchants and random rare enchants I could have, trivially, gotten otherwise, was… quite underwhelming. But that’s all in the past now!

Additionally, if these changes weren’t enough, there is now a 1/60 chance for silver and golden chests to give you an exotic scroll :poggers2:. It’s not a lot, but if you’re going around and looting the structures fully like a normal person would, your payday once back out of the Dark Sea might be just that bit more significant :cold_face:!

We have a few more changes to talk about :speaking_head:! Firstly, shovel enchantments have been changed! Previously, the loot chances for goldsight and fortune were actually swapped, leading to goldsight being objectively better! This has been fixed, along with number changes and buffs to the shovels themselves to make treasure charts more gratifying :moneybag:! Additionally, giving a bit of a bolster to fishing, you have a half chance that any item you fish up (besides sunken, of course :rolling_eyes:), will have the sunken modifier! Additionally, Dark Sea lightning caps at 33% of your max health, so that lower vitality builds might not suffer as immensely from it anymore, and leads to, well, a few less TOTALLY UNFAIR experiences :game_die:.

The second out of three wilderness islands being added to the Nimbus Sea is my own, Shale Reef, which I haven’t talked about yet. Though, with the update releasing so soon, I might not need to so much :alarm_clock:! This island was essentially a “retexture” of a Dark Sea island I made before learning that they would all be procedurally generated, but its still one of my favorites nonetheless, especially with the fireflies and seasonal forest trees :ok_hand:. I hope you enjoy it as well!

Next up, let’s take a look at some of the crazy contributions that our beloved character modeler, artist, and interior builder JTN has made towards the Nimbus Sea update :ok_hand:! We can see below, on the credits page, that they have designed a Myriad of Samerian NPCs and accessories, and looking through their work, you can be sure it’ll be some pretty high quality stuff :gem:!

As you can see above, we have some further details on what they contributed :hammer:, even including unique appearances for ship NPCs, where you can obtain their items as drops as well :star_struck:! This update, along with all the new Nimbus Sea armor, is gonna be great for those who wish to sail in style. To finish this off, below, we have a look at the “Sun Temple Monk”, according to the credits page! Feast your eyes… Too bad we probably won’t be able to get that shirt :sob:!

We’re back to the trello with a pretty amazing new addition… golden fruits and mushrooms, with a 1 in 15 chance for spawning instead of the regular variant :sparkles:! Like variants of fish, with which you can achieve very high hunger meals with absurd status effects, mushrooms and fruits now have their own chance to shine… in AND out of your cooking pot :stew:! The golden variation puts their tier up one, even allowing for legendary sky pumpkins, but also multiplies their hunger value by three times :hungry:! They can also be obtained in small numbers from chests!

This also means that the fabled golden watermelon is finally real :frhigh:! Good luck with your searches… though, alot some time for the Nimbus Sea instead of so far north at Goso jungle… there’s lots to explore this update :world_map:! You can also now interrupt crew unloading by taking the wheel, which is helpful, especially if up-to-no-good pirates or players make their attack :boom:! Lastly for this legendary patch note, we have the addition of a new sail pattern, Pirate Cat! This has essentially added Tapi, who I’m pretty sure is Rayman_Axel’s cat, to the game! Congratulations to him for his feline friend making an appearance on what will certianly be hundreds of players’ sails :sailboat:!

Speaking of new food, we now have the addition of smoothies to Arcane Odyssey, creatable based off a new ingredient that is sold by Samerian Food Merchants! You can create fruit and mushroom smoothies, and, otherwise, of course, disgusting smoothies :nauseated_face:. This super cold drink gives the player a new status effect called Sun Protection, which not only protects the player from sunburn, but grants them resistance to certain new areas that damage you by extreme heat! However, with the help of a quick brainfreeze via a delicious Samerian smoothie, you can circumvent these conditions and cross this area anyways :cold_face:!

Additionally, if you don’t like the sunburn you already have and don’t want to wait until your character’s age reaches 80 before it finally wears off, you can consume a smoothie that gives tier 4 or 5 of sun protection in order to reverse it immediately :snowman:! So, sit back and enjoy a cold smoothie under the radiant sun, aside the scorching sands!

Now we’re in teh endgame! Let’s take a gander at these fial trello notes, where we’ll finish up our odyssey through the progress of the Nimbus Sea update :nod:. Hopefully this has been helpful!

First, taking up about half of these two patch notes, is a Bronze Sea storyline rework! Well, if you can call it that :thinking:. Though I won’t be covering all this in detail and talking about the different “tutorial quests” too in-depth, I’ll give you a short description of all that’s happened in the world of leveling up!

Repeatable quests have been removed :no_entry:. Things like the dueling mage, frostmill bandits, and any other quest that can be finished an infinite amount of times can now be finished only once, of course granting much more EXP to compensate. This was done due to, frankly, some very annoying complaints of the less “sharp” side of Roblox that this was the only way to level up :skull:. Hopefully this will circumvent some of these baseless complaints, while still allowing a decent leveling experience :chart_with_upwards_trend:.

Additionally, due to very similar reasons, and the dislike of it by many players, the level lock gaps between sections of the story have been removed. For example, having to level up around 15 times after Frostmill. Instead, these have changed to be only level recommendations, I believe :mag:.

A new feature, tutorial quests, has also been added, forcing the player to accomplish certain tasks before continuing the story, giving tutorials on things such as basic brewing, cooking, and sailing. This will certainly be nice for those first-time players trying to rush everything and complaining later :moyai:.

There have been some adjustments to how diving structure completion works, as well, to accompany the new title and meter of it in the Nimbus Sea :cyclone:! Now, having your completion in a sea at 100% automatically reveals all diving structures when you join that server, which provides a pretty hefty incentive to raise that bar to the roof :arrow_double_up:! You won’t obtain sea charts there when that happens, of course, since they would be pointless. A pretty cool buff for completionists, though :trophy:! Also, two diving structures I’ve made making use of the Brig model have been added, which is pretty neat!

A new neat little quirk with chest loot has been added, allowing you to find randomized gems in chest loot once you’re over level 100 :gem:! It’s quite rare as to not be overpowered or clutter your inventory, but it’s pretty dang neat nonetheless!

We also have an addition to the map: mousing over the capital of a country/domain, such as Ravenna for the Ravenna realm or Sameria for, well, Sameria :fr:, you can see their stats, power, and influence, represented by a rating of 5 stars in several different categories. I’m all for this addition; another way to bring the lore and power struggle into the forefront! Additionally, it changes over the story dynamically, which can show how much of an impact we the player and the events around us had on these areas :nod:.

And… this is last but not least! Like last year, we will be having an easter event, developed over this Spring Break! So get your baskets ready and your eyes peeled… you might never know what you’ll find next :egg:! Unless you use the guide below, of course, where you’ll be spoiled.

That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out :v:!

On Topic

Easter Event 2024 Guide
Posted by @CrazieKing

Spoilers if you haven’t participated in the hunt yet, somehow :fr:! This year, as I said, we’ve got an egg hunt to complete, and lots of eggs to find! If you’ve been in the game, you might notice that quite a lot of them are obvious :mariomug:. However, to the average vetcordian, a “Godly Location” might somehow imply the epicenter instead, at which point they will waste 60 hours reaching it. This is why we have a guide to instead help with a few of the hints that are a little less obvious! I pretty much had to feature this topic, so contribute if you feel like it :+1:!

Arcane Art

Ice Conjurer
Created by @whereistheexit

This is definitely some of the most realistic art I’ve ever seen on the forums! Whereistheexit, who I… think I’ve seen before (?) :sleeper:, has posted an amazing piece of art depicting their friend’s arcane odyssey file, Tim Anchor, an ice conjurer, in amazing detail! The sort of flames of frost shed cold light on their super detailed face and clothes :eyes:, and their comically oversized wizard hat makes the visage all the more worthwhile! A lot of effort went into this, and it looks AWESOME :fire:, so I’d sure commend this!

Writing Wizardry

Katastrof Blood - Chapter 38: Old Suffering
Written by @Zeil

In this new epic installment of Katastrof Blood, Chapter 38, Old Suffering :frhigh:, Zeil continues the story, which, to be honest, I haven’t been reading all of it (But I should!) Here, though I won’t say too much so that you might read it yourself :nod:, but it seems that Zolton has been lost, with Pyrei in quite the trouble as she worries about their wellbeing, all the while in conflict with their companion’s viewpoints. The description and imagery in this series is superb as always, and they put in lots of effort into writing all this, so check it out :white_check_mark:.

The Chart

Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @ImaLettuce! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”Writer’s Block”!

You Open The Scroll…

“Home of the Golden Apple”

First to comment the answer below will get a shoutout next anchor!


:speech_balloon: Odyssey Feed Discord Server

Join for notifications, suggest topics for the feed, and chat about the latest Arcane Odyssey development news!

:anchor: Odyssey Feed Hub

A topic containing a link to almost all anchors, as well as more information about The Odyssey Feed!

:paperclips: Arcane Odyssey Trello

The main source for information about Arcane Odyssey’s development!

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: The Arcane Lily

A compilation of AO sources I’ve made for convenience. May be slightly outdated.

Thanks for reading!
I caught a sunken sword before I caught the sunken egg… :sleeper:

Drop what you’re doing, new Odyssey Feed just released


The Eden Empire

thats way too much for one msg bro (nise)

Sorry for this VERY Late anchor! I had to cut a lot of content due to the corny AF forum post character limit… :cry:

Also, I turned the headers over into images, since the previous tables had lots of issues embedding correctly on smaller devices, I believe, while images will stay on one line! Please tell me if this is better! :pray:

just make two msgs

Hahaha… I don’t want to do that again.

so much yappin

1 Like

True… I’ve been recently promoted to an Elite Yapper in the Rambling Association.

Congrats on the promotion, and thanks for the epic feed.

there was no subway surfer clip to keep my decaying attention span active, bad article

Sorry, my good chum. I’ll be sure to include adequate visual and audio stimulation in my next anchor :grin::+1:.

the best feed

Someone give this man a video of people opening dark sealed chests

1 Like

odyssey feed my beloved :heart:
in for a good 5 minutes when i see that weird arrow thumbnail
btw can’t you change the topic thumbnail?

NO idea if I can change it or not.

should be able to

1 Like

New anchor! Yipee!

Anyways, happy to see a new anchor. It seems you are the out-of- game edition of juraserva.

(Don’t smite me down like you did with fridge uchica pls, glory to vetex!)

1 Like


This change is the biggest blessing for me. I’m making a topic soon about some of the meals I’ve been able to create this update.

Say what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tough choice but Shale Reef might actually be my favorite new island aside from Sameria. Yes I love Drakos Arch and it’s one of the best islands in the game for sure, but it also makes me feel claustrophobic at times because the skeleton takes up so much space and is difficult to climb; it gets a little tough to move around. Shale Reef is just a really chill and atmospheric place. Love the fireflies.