Welcome to the forumers, hope you enjoy your stay

This is hell, enjoy your stay

I love how the sage panties topic is still active lmao

horny forumers

Nah it’s mostly people being like “wtf or ew”

and they like looking at the sage bras


You sound exactly like @ProjectHR ‘‘Welcome to the forums! Hopefully you’ll enjoy your stay’’

Wonder what happened to them…

this is common knowledge flare you don’t have to keep saying it

Exiled x Mino art… we meet again :sleeper:

Shudder don’t remind me…

i am glad to be a regular in hell

This forum can burn and no one would miss it.

its already eternally burning
like the average depiction of hell

god has deserted those whoever set foot in the forums

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I told you to enjoy your
stay, so act like it! :point_right: :heart: :point_left:

please no

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not to forget lordg


it would be cool if you put a BIG cursed warning on the first one

tried finding it lol


bottom text bc system won’t let me send message