World of magic iceberg

I accidently break my pencil and I got 1 crown fine smh

you forgot rape.

you god damn ape :sunglasses: :poggerfish::poggers2:

think about all the people who accidentally scuffed the carpet then got put into crippling debt by the magic council

I am very sorry for a necro, but there’s so much stuff in here that is worth discussing, especially considering most of the links are dead. I have multiple questions, as so many of these I have never heard of, nor have any info on. And it would be especially good if someone still got the links. This is pretty damn interesting, even though most of it are probably just jokes or crack-head theories.

For context n stuff VERY long

Tier 1 iceberg:

Ancient language = Just the arcane language, magic circles, statues and such, most of it has been decoded in certain groups

Dragon Skull and Skeleton at iron port = Very close to IronPort are those two things, you can still find them if you haven’t already

Data erase = Happened on occasion a couple months back, I think it’s patched (maybeeee? hopefullyyyyy)

Moai Head = Just like the skeleton, a area on the map near the big boi mountain, a small handful praised it as a deity prior (I still do)

Mal and Donk = Interesting one, Mal was the greatest troller before he got banned on the forum, (he asked for things such as, tickle magic, and the obese bar) and people started to think that he and Donk were the same person, ironically the person who posted this was actually the real person behind Donk (So Donk, Tron, and WAX are all the same person, WAX eventually left the forum and is still praised as a god in certain circles ( I too praise WAX :pray: still)

Noble winnin = Noble was a famous guild in the last game AA, and their catchphrase include noble winning and your tears increase our damage

Tier 2 this is getting long

Mods autofishing = Using strange advanced macroing (that I am too stupid to explain) you could fish 24/7 (patched), people believed this was cheating and when it was revealed the mods also did this people found it hilarious.

Guillotine silent tower = Self explanatory

Corrupt magic council = First started when Jumbo (theory maker who opened my eyes) showed that the magic council controlled the magius news and it all popped off from there

White eyes = Infamous shark in AA

Noble is losing = Opposite of noble is winnin

Bursting enchantment = Srtolertus a artist and (I believe could be wrong) mod for some strange reason seems to attract bursting enchantment like honey and flies and is tormented by it, thus the bursting enchantment curse

Duping exploit = Before it was patched you could dupe items

Phillip clay’s lost papers = How do npc’s keep on losing their stuff every 5 seconds

Tier 3 lads, my fingers hurt

Tickle magic = Mal things

11 and 7 = Posted by lore maker Tech and supposedly has implications on the lore

Monkey magic meta = WAX suggested Monkey magic

Future inventory wipe = Speculated but thankfully never happened

It’s all a dream = Jumbo theory that the main character is just dreaming Wom

Neutral guilds = Suggestion from people who didn’t want to be good or bad

Adventure story platformer= A bigger brained person can explain cause I have no hocking clue, forgive me

King David is Dead = My small brain can’t take this info

Final tier, I am free

Vetex is Mal = type in vetex is mal, in the search bar

Enslavement = Either a crackhead theory, or something I don’t know

Catching rate = Something about the sunken catch rate fluctuating like heck when it first released

Secret society = Most likely a crackhead theory

The ai are sentient = Hopefully a crackhead theory as well (if it isn’t, then hack)

Magius news run by magic council = A couple tiers up

Jumbo’s Theories are all right = Self explanatory, read his theories if you have the time they are rather funny, I mean completely accurate.


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where the heck have you been man

uh i dont remember this.

The outside world, until I realized it sucks as many say, and am now here

You left so much shit unexplained, and yet, I’m still satisfied. Kind of wish some of this stuff were archived though, because some of these appear to be lost, like all the Jimbo crackhead theories or the Mal antics

I think srtolertus made a small art about his hate for it but could be wrong

nah i dont remember that.

Hold on ima try to find it
Found the thingy

Funny thing, I remember once I was talking to NPCs in either ironport or castlevania, and one of them told me “Do you just like talking to random people? Weirdo.” I think I have a screne-shot of it but IDK where it is


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Wait how did I confuse srtolertus and shreek, god I’m a idiot

what about my involvement in this though

You see, my brain is hecking tiny

Reminds me of this post:

Glad to see you have been doing well, are have gone clinically insane