World of magic iceberg

Jesus christ I’m laughing my ass off, these post legit read like a genuine crackhead :laughing:

More stuff, this time from WAX hope you enjoy as well

Around this time was when people started treating him like God himself, perhaps further then this though my memory sucks

Oh yeah and Sister and loreing were mals alts, for context

Wait a minute…I’ve seen these before. Odd, I think I’ve never payed attention to them until now.

Edit: I’m reading them, they’re fucking gold. Shame they got assassinated by the mod team, literally 1984.

uhh yea thats a way to put it.

Old things have decent stuff, all of jumbo’s theories are good, along with any wax posts comment or topic, sometimes the stuff was really out there, ie nightdemonlight joke trial, actual trial, presidential elections, etc

I am going to assume you went bananas but not so far off the rail

man claimed to have killed you and is now sexually attracted to moths

pfp explains most of it

Sweet home alabama, and murder is in fact frowned upon in most societies sand

there’s a pattern whenever i say that i killed someone that they magically return within a week

My Knowledge:

  • I Swear I heard that enslavement theory somewhere, probably a false memory though
  • According to this thread, the King David is Dead theory is a creepypasta, but the link for it appears to be sadly very dead.
  • My guess for the Adventure Story Platformer is that WoM shares some things with AS, and so some joked that WoM is just AS with “”“platforming”""
  • Someone made a parody of AO called Monkey Odyssey.

Huh, well thank you for saying you killed me, I think, no really thanks

Seems legit, I especially like “monkey odyssey”

Do you have a link to any “The MC is corrupt” threads? This part is genuinely intresting, since I remember having a conversation about something similar.

Last one do be a stretch

actually, vetex said once that he wanted to make a game like ao but more platformer based i think

Mildly disappointed by the last one, but still laughed. That conversation I had was about the MC being incompetent due to a bunch of stuff I’m too lazy to explain (mostly logistical).

(A funny side note, the guy we had the conversation with (this was in me and a friend’s guild discord BTW) decided to turn his account in a John Kerry thing as a joke, and I remember him once pinging Vetex about WoM sucking)



Oh no, oh nooooooooooo

Holy shit WAX comfirmed it, Magicius was just a dream. And when the cutsceen happens, we’ll wake up in the middle of the ocean, half-disappointed realizing it was all just a dream.