Armor piercing hate thread

damage sponge build fr

Defense of all things doesn’t even need a direct foil. Most people don’t even use it because they want to, they use it because they’ll die instantly without it.

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to be honest, AP has more or less of a niche use
it helps with high hp npcs(cough cough level 400 atlanteans), but in PvP its effect is subpar at best(who even runs 3k hp on a regular basis?)

idk why you keep looking at us as if the balance team is one person with the same opinion for everything. Personally I agree with point 2, 3, and 4 in your original post and I’ve disliked the concept of armor piercing ever since I saw it in the patch notes. Meta just wanted to let y’all know that it isn’t as bad of a stat (in terms of viability) as most people think

Because the level of consideration being given really makes it feel like no group of people could possibly all agree on this sort of stuff.

can we have a stat that doesnt rely on someone else’s armor build

revamp piercing
to deal % damage of that person’s current hp instead (also change it so it works against npcs)
but then we’d have to heavily nerf its scaling so we dont get 100% of current hp at lvl 260

grammatically speaking it also makes sense, because it pierces your skin, so no matter how you regenerate, it will always do a bit of damage
the problem is that when you have low health, you have less ‘stuff’ to be pierced, so you’ll take ‘less’ damage


That’s a pretty good simple change, actually…

also please note, i said % damage of CURRENT hp, not MAX hp

Maybe we can keep Power 2 and just make it good Power 2.

anyway boost that message, make sure everyone sees it
i wanna know opinion

i don’t want to start a feud but i actually kind of like ap
alot of people who i interact with run higher defence than the majority of the playerbase, so it’s actually rather convenient
and high power is usually paired with high ap so whilst yea youre raising the amount of substat potential wasted youre still gonna be just fine against low defence builds majority of the time

Yes, but people don’t want a stat that’s really good sometimes and completely useless other times. People are already fed up with the huge amount of rng being introduced, and shoving this stat into so many of the awaited armor sets pissed the community off in regards to it, especially when it could’ve been replaced by stats which people actually like.

i agree
its not a particularly good thing when the effectiveness of your attacks depend on what the enemy has
especially since it can range from literaly useless, to extremely effective
this would be my solution to the problem:

or why dont this just like bypass block/parry by a percentage

This is lowkey genius, its simple, just different enough from power, and instead of making your damage depend on the enemy’s stats, it turns it into a viable counter to tanks while still keeping your damage independent.

I’d probably actually use this when fighting my rival who has full titanium

nanomachines, son

It already does that. That’s exactly why it’s so good in PvE

Could you please share the nanomachines build with the class?
