Epic forum quotables

“I fucked a fish”

Epic forum quotables changelogs v0.07

Start of the greatest newspaper.

nvm it got edited out with penis from someone else

necrobumping with a potential new candidate (i’m bored and found this so have it)



:poggers2: fishe ppog

Lmao imagine saying that “how is the fucking”

again, bump.

found this.

thought it would be cool to share.

I’m sure some of you guys are aware of how I stand on trading. I call it extortion and exploitation. Trading is bad simply because most, if not all of the time, you lose more than you gain. I know this is a really hot topic but that’s what makes talking about it more fun. In my experience of trade and views on other’s trades I see that more often then not its usually one swindling their way into gaining more than the is receiving. Heck, there’s people with loads of headless’ on their files!! Where does that make sense? That’s right! It doesn’t. And the fact of the matter is that people are absolutely gullible is atrocious. Why do people go all out of their way to stock up on these “rare” items? Like this one time I saw aabraham with like over 15 headless’ and, simplifyingdrama with loads of these items. that i’m sure they didn’t grind for. And that’s another thing; Grinding. Are you people just that lazy to go and fish??? Geez you have all the time in the world to go and pvp and get in useless guild wars, but you’re telling me you can’t go get a boss tracker and farm the bosses or simply fish. Heck, just get you some good tunes and boom! ez jams. It’s a shame.

im not plugging that topic because its a disaster

You might not, but I will.

wrong topic

Wdym? “Trading extortion and exploitation” has no other results.

wanted to confuse you for posting it



I am very pleased to see you enjoy my little debate on trading. :relaxed:

yes its one of the funnier things i came across
take it as a compliment

Much appreciated :relaxed:

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