Epic forum quotables

Screenshot 2022-10-21 11.36.54 AM

316 W Main St, Hillsboro, NH 03244 is a McDonald’s.

You say that as if us Americans would meet anywhere else :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not all of us are American. Besides, for the amount of people we have, it would be better to meet at a place like a park.


how fun would it be to order like a ton of sandwiches and drinks and just go crazy tho


still waiting for him to come back

truly, he will bring entertainment to our lives

this is truly a :moyai: moment

this is so space-taking that it would take up like 1/20th of this page if it was not compressed

i came back with 14 quote notifications after that


the great wall of text

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commmon dogs w


(cannot be empty)

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i love ao testers

Hop on AO you stupid moose

Bro just hop on AO it aint that hard what’s your problem

Remember when the forums were interesting?

From Reset level prompt - #153 by Spider_Language

oh god spider language

now making fun of george floyd was bad but that guy was next level :skull: (pun un-intended)

level hasn’t changed much in his style of arguments it seems :neutral_face: