I’ve heard a lot of talk about this supposed arcanium online yet no conclusive definition. my best guess is that it is a sort of migratory bird native to the southern coast of Madrid. I would love your input on this subject. (P.S. Sorry for grammar I am not English.)
I remember that.
i dont like people trying to rk me as i want to do other stuff cuz all i see is them full sprint at my dick with their mouth open wider than Niagra Falls ready to slob my shit harder than a raisin becoming a grape.
yeah like:
let’s see…
5 crystal (looks shiny)
4 water (overall well rounded)
3 shadow (the edge)
2 fire (gaming)
1 wood (the greatest magic that ever existeds)
based post wood on top
Bosses were like that in AA too not just AR lmfao, basically the way bosses were balanced in AA was I would set the numbers, then tech would go “make it higher itll be funny” and i laughed and agreed
Techlevel80 being based at balancing bosses
You haven’t showered in 4 whole days? Do you need some type of help, because honestly, those are rookie numbers
new quotable dropped
You haven’t showered in 4 whole days? Do you need some type of help, because honestly, those are rookie numbers
new quotable dropped
sounds like a sandwich
you know where i live???
should I be concerned?
having someone’s IP isn’t necessarily all that threatening since the costs of y’know, flying over to wherever they live to “do something” is pretty high, and of course law enforcement isn’t letting whatever they do slide
you’re fine
You can’t get exact location from ips
You give your ip to every website you go to
Isn’t even the right location lmfao
I am within 700 meters of your current location
you have a 30 second head start
get running
hunting someone down seems like a waste of time.
comparing me to the most horny motherfucker on the planet seems like a waste of time