How to become a Suggestor

How to become a Suggestor
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

Want to share your suggestions to the community, get feedback, and possibly get them accepted by Vetex? Please read these steps closely and only apply if you meet the requirements.

  1. [:exclamation: IMPORTANT :exclamation:] Reach the Member trust level (TL2). YOU MUST BE TRUST LEVEL 2 IN ORDER TO BECOME A SUGGESTOR. Click this text to learn more. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule, no matter how good your suggestions may be. We reserve the right to ignore your request if you do not meet this requirement.

  1. Review the About section for Suggestions to learn more about the category, its qualifications, and rules.

  1. Suggestor - Arcane Odyssey : Click this link to direct you to the forum Suggestor group. Read the group description, then click the image button on the top-right of your window screen. There will be a link to return to this post, as it contains more detailed directions.

  1. In the message window, following the template, create at least two original, detailed suggestions, and submit. Some valid suggestions can be, but are not limited to:

      * Quality-of-life changes/adjustments
      * New feature suggestions
      * Feature expansions
      * Animation packs (with examples)

    Due to the low character limit on the initial application, you are highly encouraged to expand on your suggestions by either editing the original post, or replying with the detail. Additionally, QoL changes are often favored due to their simplicity and ease of addition. However, be careful, as these are very commonly suggested.

  1. Utilize the Declined Suggestions List, the Arcane Odyssey Trello Board, and the forum search tool image (Suggestions, Suggestions > Vetex's Accepted) to educate yourself on everything already suggested or planned. Doing this will help you avoid making a duplicate suggestion, which will be denied.

  1. Await approval from the Suggestor Recruiters. If you meet the TL requirement but your suggestion(s) don’t meet our expectations, we will work with you to improve your suggestion(s). When approved, you will be able to post on the Suggestions category, which may be posted into the Discord server for additional exposure.

Keep in mind that all suggestions both in submission and regular suggestions after approval must follow the rules and guidelines defined in both the Discord server and Forum. Always keep the rules and general Roblox community demographic in mind before posting. When in doubt, always consult a Moderator.

Official Forum Rules and Guidelines

P.S. We don’t take AI-generated or ChatGPT suggestions. It will usually be easy to tell if you just rip from a prompt response. However, we don’t mind if you to use AI to help make sure your suggestion is done to your heart’s desire.