An observation on certain stats like Attack Size

I may turn this into a suggestion, but this post is going to be more of a shout into the void because it’s probably too late into the game for any reworks to stats to be made. And Vetex may have a solution to this that I haven’t bothered to look up yet.

Also, the numbers in the armors aren’t completely accurate, they’re just there to get my point across.

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Leave the system alone, caps are not fun

The current formula scales so that as the level cap increases, you need more of the same stat to maintain effectiveness, but there will be a small increase in overall effectiveness with the stats you can get at that level. For example, 250 size at level 500 will be much less impactful than 250 size right now.

We are not going with softcaps or we limit builds that may not even be problematic. The real problematic builds are the ones that would minmax and abuse a system like this.

Attack size is currently only problematic on a select few skills, which will be addressed on an individual basis. There is no need to nerf or cap the scaling with this philosophy, as it would hurt attack size builds that are not problematic whatsoever.


This has been brought up before, in this old suggestion.

Like you said, we’ve largely missed the opportunity to do a rework like this, so we’re going to see one of the outcomes you mentioned.
My money’s on outcome 1. Eventually, the level cap will get raised, stats will get truely out of hand, and people will whine enough so vetex changes the formula and we get outcome 3 instead.

If I’m reading this right, you’re describing an automatic self-nerfing formula that produces outcome 3?
The level cap is currently 125, so you need 1 point for every 0.4% boost or whatever, but when vetex raises the cap to 200, that will automatically be factored into the formula and 1 point will only give a 0.2% boost, automatically ensuring that these stats are only ever effective at max level.

Also, can you share this formula?

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lmao i forgot stats already scaled to be less effective if you didn’t invest in more of them as you leveled up i’m retarded

Personally, I would be happy to share it. But unfortunately, vetex wants the formula to be kept private for now.

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Wait, I thought the formula was something like:

  • Let X be your current level.
  • Let Y be your Agility stat times 50.
  • Your dash distance bonus is Y divided by X.
  • Example: 500 Agility at Level 200. Y = 500 * 50 = 25000. X = 200. Y/X = 25000 / 200 = 125% dash distance bonus
  • Example: 500 Agility at Level 400. Y = 500 * 50 = 2500. X = 400. Y/X = 25000 / 400 = 62.5% dash distance bonus
  • Example: 1000 Agility at Level 300. Y = 1000 * 50 = 50000. X = 300. Y/X = 50000 / 300 = 166.67% dash distance bonus

If the formula is similar to this, your solution might already be implemented into the game, albeit in a really roundabout way.

If you’re willing to AFK on a level 1 slot for 3 hours to unlock trading, you can test this!

Trade some perfect agility gems and level 1 armour to a level 1 file.
Equip them, and if you get banned for speedhacking (45 agility at level 1 is ~= 5600 agility at level 125), the formula works as you’re describing. Otherwise, it’s working as I describe.

Alternatively, maybe @Meta can clarify.

wait for now? so ur telling me that there is a chance we might see it (doesnt matter when, im just courios how complicated it is)

World of Magic could actually utilize Arcane Odyssey’s very lenient softcap, because 99% of its world is land, so extremely massive explosions wouldn’t be unfair since there is almost no situation where people are stuck in a small space, like being in a ship fight or staying on an island of average size.

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