Forum Community Project

i’ll look for it, but ut’s buried somewhere in #art

I also made this thread lol you can read it

I’ll set up a discord server to coordinate this and make a whole new topic once voting has finished. 9.5 hrs remaining.

mak servr

I mad servr
But nobody is getting an invite yet because I still can’t work out how to view server as role on mobile

Turns out you can’t so guess I’ll just have to hope for the best, even then only coordinators have actual permissions

5.66 hrs remaining

13 minutes remaining

Well well well…
Good day everyone, it seems like @Flare-Chan’s idea wins.

Soon I’ll make a topic for the project, which will be coordinated in this server.

We could try and make it a functional game.

There are certainly users within this community that have the skills to do so, when put together. It’d be a great community project in that regard.

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The voting for our project is now over


LUCKILY YOU DONT HAVE TO, we chose Flare’s idea


okay well then here’s my contribution:

my contribution: Marketplace & Clans
The RP Category has been removed..Introducing the Writing Category! (writing category opened up to everyone (only seasoned writers could post there before))

My contribution: the incident with banana and Maria.
(I know it was recent and banana will eventually get unbanned, but he was banned at some point so it counts?) (unlisted but it’s where all the drama is, including the threats)

Drama like this goes under team 2 on the Minor Timelines

However as I’ve said before the whole thing is paused whilst we wait for more members