Sound Magic!
My Castle Town
Composed by Toby Fox
The Hook!
Hey, this is Cryonical . Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! This time around, we have some super epic development news for you, so let’s dive in
First, let’s cover some changes to the Snare spell. It’s cooldown has been changed from 5 seconds to 2! In a 1v1 this makes no difference since it takes 10 seconds before someone can be grabbed again after being snared, similarly to other grabs, so this applies to team battles mostly :. Additionally, the spell doesn’t last as long, the final hit scales with your magic’s knockback, and the attack’s area of affect is now affected by your magic’s size and your attack size stat
. On top of all this, the effects and usage of the spell have been improved… it seems like Snare’s development is coming to a close
Speaking of animations and such, all run animations have been improved. This is the first in a series of animation and gameplay changes we’ll be seeing over the next few versions .
Next, some story things. Chapter 5 Part 4, Inner Connection, Part 1, Chapter 5 Part 5, Inner Connection, Part 2, and Chapter 5 Part 6, Inner Connection, Part 3 can all be completed. What a mouthful ! It seems that we’re getting very close to awakenings
. Additionally, a new feature happens when you enter Ravenna after it’s story, though it hasn’t been specified since it would spoil the story
Surprisingly, we have some fairly significant guild changes! To allow more flexibility in the future and to activate our neurons, the gain/loss of infamy and the infamy requirements for tiers have all been increased by 10 times .
This is needed for some new ways to get infamy; assassinating/bounty hunting a player in a clan will give your clan 60 infamy and take 80 from their clan, and turning in a sealed chest will give 10. These both can largely be done through pvp, especially the first one , though the second especially has had some mixed reception. Comment what you think about this
It’s time for some more animations . The coward run and the walking and falling animations for all animation packs have been made that bit better
! Additionally, the injured and exhausted walk/run animations have been improved as well. These’ll definitely make the experience a lot nicer, and there’s quite a few new animations that look very neat
Additionally, thanks to Maximum_ADHD, a new feature has been added to the game where your character’s head will face towards your camera (To an extent of course, and in a fairly realistic and immersive way) . It’s super cool and is another one of those small features that adds to the game in a big way
A new area is being built ! Vetex has shared some information about it in the patreon chat, but until we get to look at some story parts later we won’t have any hints at what it is. Love to see the new islands
… and this one will be one of the best so far!
And I lied, we actually do have some more snare changes, and quite significant ones . First, the arcing on the projectiles has been reduced, since that part is probably similar to a multi-blast spell. Next, the final blast has been removed…
? According to vetex, it didn’t fit in, which is interesting. We’ll see how it goes! Snare also does 15% less damage, since it was quite overpowered before, and still may be
Lastly for this quite lengthy version, we’ll look at the re-addition of the world news feature, now in the form of The Agora! Unlike the World of Magic world news, it’ll have 2 pages instead of one so it can fit in more events ! We’ll be covering it more in detail in just a second
The new area’s development has progressed further, but equally important are some new details about The Agora. It has many new news topics, and (probably) a lot or removed ones too . It’s UI has been redesigned, and all of the text was written by testers, including me, some of which have gotten Contributor and been put in the credits. I wrote about 80 lines and it was pretty cool to do
! If you’d like to see everything, scroll down the page below!
That pesky new area is still being built ! On top of that, legendary treasure charts will now announce in chat when they are solved! It’s not like Arcane Adventures, though… only your party members can dig up your charts, and it’s when you complete it
. Just a nice feature on the side! The Agora has also been finished, with many new topics
That new area has finally been finished… kinda! To accommodate, the world map UI has been finished once again, with the locations, location name, and fog functionality . However, its rendering and features haven’t been updated and are buggy at least for the time being. We’ll be sure to see that fixed soon
! The Map is super essential, especially for sailing at night, which a lot of the testers have disliked greatly. This basically fixes that and makes navigating much more fun and easy
The new area has been completely finished, and we may have some new clues as to what it may be, assuming it’s where the new story parts take place. Part 107, 108, and 109 (Chapter 5 parts 7, 8, and 9) have been added. They’re called The Presence, Summit of the Titans, and Into the Caverns . They’re not yet completable, but will be after the level cap is raised to 120
! For now though, it’s been raised to 105.
Looking further at the Summit of the Titans , many forumers have theorized it’s Mount Oryths. After a google search and some mythology mixed with a real world place, you can quite clearly see why
A quite interesting theory that makes a lot of sense. A bit of insight into what could be ! And ignore the light mode please
. The island is also quite big, brought up by a bug in a more recent version that let treasure charts spawn here, stating it was too cruel
. That “the presence” thing is also interesting
Some miscellaneous changes come to the table! Ravenna has 1 new quest, the render for the World Map has been updated , and some adjustments to the resilience status have been implemented; The sturdy sail enchant gives 3 speed now along with its main stat, the sailboat and the caravel have 15 more resilience at base, and the ketch has 10 more
Surprisingly, 8 brand new quests have been added to Ravenna! Speaking of quests, some Redwake quest NPCs won’t appear until Preparing for the Journey, in which you have to complete 4 side quests; that’s because if you did them all before that story part, you’d have to go elsewhere, which doesn’t sound fun .
Lastly for this nice version , the head turning has been slightly adjusted while running :person_running:.
Here’s the very last version for today, and it’s a big one! The Ultimate Art options for explosion spells and the crash technique have been finished… two in just a single version ! This is truly an epic moment of time. I suppose when raising the level cap to 120, you have a lot of new things to accommodate
! And not only that, but Shape options for blast spells are beginning development as well, as you’ll certainly be able to unlock those at level 120. Magic users (and everyone else
) are certainly having quite a good day
And finally, the world map renders are properly aligned… I have no idea what that means ! However, if you do, congratulations, since it’s probably a very good thing
. Awaiting further information on all these cold things being added
That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out !
On Topic!
Criminally underrated games
Posted by @Scuffed_Kage
It’s been a long two years in the wait for Arcane Odyssey. And even for me sometimes, Roblox can get very boring . So Scuffed_Kage made this thread about underrated games you should go and play
… and I must say some of the ones on here and in the replies I haven’t played do sound quite nice, so maybe I’ll give them a shot! Take a look yourself and contribute
Arcane Art!
Rupin, Wielder of the Fire Curse
Created by @Jinelle
A brand new artist joins the forum’s grand collection of great artists… and for their first piece, this is something of a quality I would never expect ! The lighting and perspective are spectacular, Rupin’s expression is quite bloodthirsty (Literally), his hair and clothing are superb, and the fire effects especially finish it off
. This is absolutely amazing, so give Jinelle a round of applause
Writing Wizardry!
My Last Symphony
Written by @JTN
JTN dabbles into some writing with My Last Symphony, and the way it’s written is more than acceptable, I must say . A Grand Navy admiral with gleaming white Aether magic makes their last stand against a mysterious, silver and crimson armored man with a powerful blade
. Not only this, but some images are included as well
… which are kind of spoilers if you want to read it, but whatever. They did very well on this!
The Chart!
Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @Robotstics! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”War Phoenix”!
You Open The Scroll…
“An ancient island of worship.”
First to comment or message me with the answer will get a shoutout next anchor!
Thanks for reading!
I forgor ![]() |