⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ The Final Stretch!

Written by Cryonical, edited by DocTheWarBird
Sound Magic!
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Reach for the Summit
Composed by Lena Raine

The Hook!
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Hey, this is Cryonical :wave:. Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! It’s now 2023 in every timezone :tada:! I originally planned to release this on the day of the new years, but sadly I forgot :skull:. Anyways, let’s get into it!

First, some new Ravenna content… all the NPCs have been finished. Not only that, but after finishing its story, you can hire a new crew :poggers2:! Not a lot about it is known, though. More progress on Shell Island has been made, and we have some new footstep sounds! One of these is a wood footstep, which vetex isn’t too sure about :thinking:.

This version is also quite short, but contains a wide slew of progress :eyes:! Shell island has been nearly completely finished, and the last story island of the Bronze Island is being built; Wind-Row Island, which is a name we’ve seen on the progress checklist before! It seems to be on the larger side and has a large valley :boom:.

Grab attacks only go 10% as far as they previously did when out of combat so you can’t use them for casual mobility. A pretty interesting change :face_with_monocle:. It’ll certainly open up some more opportunities for parkour puzzles and such.

1.10.53 is just some very welcome progress on shell and wind-row island. It also marks the end of the building of Shell Island, after quite a while :pray:! Can’t wait to possibly see some sneaks of the island in the future.

Vetex is on a roll, finishing Wind-Row just 2 versions after starting! It’s quite the vibe of an island, I must say :fire:. There also seems to be a camp at the top with NPCs, though they’ll be added in the next version!

The first thing we’ll look at for this version is the new bandits inhabiting the camps at the top of Wind-Row Island :eyes:!

These are the Wind-Row Wolves. They have a 1 in 10 chance to drop one of their items; the Wolves Garment, Mountaineer’s Boots, a Wolf Pelt Cloak, and a Wolf Pelt Hood :wolf:. They’re all dropped at level 80, and can be upgraded to level 130. As a person who likes wolves a lot, it’s certainly not my favorite theme :frcryin:, but boy does it make them look pretty scary. In fact, we actually have some images of them;

The first image here is of Doc, and the second is Vetex. Both look quite drippy in those clothes, I must admit :mariomug:.

The second change in this version is the addition of a curious item; empty bottles :frhigh:. You can obtain them both through chests, and as “junk” loot from fishing :fishing_pole:. Selecting it and clicking on the ocean turns it into a seawater bottle, which currently does nothing… soon, though! The bottle was modeled by Akontio :ok_hand:!

Lastly, shop npcs have been added to Shell Island, and it is now announced server-wide when someone catches a legendary fish. Good stuff :nod:!

Here’s a bit of a longer version :nod:. First, the grab distance reduction when out of combat is now 70%, 20% lower than the previous reduction :chat_with_downwards_trend:. This means that grabs will go a bit further out of combat than they did just a few versions ago. This might make it easier to grab someone when you don’t have the combat tag yet, while still incentivizing not using it for movement. Spiraling fury has also got the same treatment as it has similar function to a grab in that it’s a rushing melee attack towards the mouse :+1:.

Next, we have a bit of a fix for a humorous bug; getting stuck below your deck due to physics issues. It’ll teleport you above the deck now if this happens :levitate:! Also, if you were hunting a player and they combat log against you, the game will act as if you killed them, which is really nice :ok_hand:. Speaking of killing, you’ll get more bounty from killing lower level npcs, as they would previously give you only a few bounty :moneybag:.

Tsunamis have less vertical destruction now, as the hitbox for this was much larger than their actual visual size :ocean:. Lastly for this version, you cannot join or create clans (Including the Grand Navy and Assassin Syndicate) under the minimum pvp level, which is currently level 50 :crossed_swords:. Before, there would be some issues with players you couldn’t defeat having islands under their control, acquiring infamy with no risk :skull:. Good thing that’s done for!

Lots of balancing and nonspecific changes in this version! First, the tilting while turning or running left and right with shift lock, originally from World of Magic, has been readded. It was quite nice looking, so I’m glad it’s back :+1:! There’s also a change here I’ve wanted for a long time; you can use emotes while fishing now, which means you can sit down :pray:! Of course, you’ll probably stand up when you get knocked back, but oh well :shrug:. The rain material has been improved, too!

Next, some changes to damage. Crates on the open sea will now heal 7.5% of your ship’s health, which gives further incentive to collect them :nod:. A nice side way to heal your ship for sure. On the more sad side, gunpowder barrels only deal 75 damage to bosses now, which means my gunpowder barrel only run is dead :headstone:. Though, gunpowder barrels are quite comical especially in early game, I must say, so the change is deserved :frpensive:. Crystallized has received a… buff? Instead of 4 hits dealing 50% more damage, 3 hits deal +35% damage. This seems pretty decent to me, but I don’t use crystal magic a lot :thinking:.

To be more consistent and work better, the combat timer has been decreased to 30 seconds and will refresh on every hit. Before, you could leave in the middle of the fight without it being counted as a combat log due to how it worked :frcryin:. Guns also have a UI under their icon indicating how close they are to being reloaded, meaning you can switch back to them at a convenient time :tada:!

Double beams have +25% aoe instead of +75%, which was completely ludicrous and practically guaranteed a hit :sleeper:. Placed explosions also have a longer casting time, which is increased for heavy magics :boom:. Additionally, magic and fighting styles have new synonyms and spell names for spells and techniques :v:!

Almost done! Party members can dig up one another’s charts, meaning you can do treasure hunts together! The threshold until you receive a single star of notoriety has been increased, and your notoriety now degrades by 1 point every 5 seconds. Actions in Whitesummit do not give notoriety, as the Grand Navy can’t survey this area. Good reps also can’t place their camp here anymore :pensive:.

At last, another NPC ship type :poggers2:! Ravenna ships, which are completely identical to Grand Navy ships, besides having Ravenna ship colors, a Ravenna name, crew, icon, etc. There’s not a lot to say here besides that the next story objective is being worked on simultaneously. (Spoiler alert: They’re connected).

And a few versions later, seawater bottles do something when drunk :pray:; they lower your hunger by 20 points and, if you have sailor style, will fill its meter by 50%. So be careful that you have some food on hand and that your hunger is decently high :stomach:!

Last but not least, the mentor for Sailor Style has her quest completed, though she isn’t added yet due to her dialogue not being finished :nod:.

Part 99 (Chapter 4, Part 34) can now be completed: The Bronze Legion Fleet! As you can see, this is where all the Ravenna ships come in :mariomug:. 3 Quests have been added to Shell island to fill in some space, too :+1:!

Finishing this shorter version off with some fighting style news, the Sailor Style mentor is now implemented, meaning that Sailor Style can be acquired :ocean:! On top of this, Thermo Fist gains speed 1.5x as fast, and airstep’s potency scaling with amount has been nerfed :chart_with_downwards_trend:.

The next story part is being worked on, and even more NPCs have been added to Shell Island, which is pretty great :ok_hand:! On top of this, we have some new visual updates; waterfall effects have been improved on every island, and the detailing system spawns in vines on jungle trees, which sway with the wind :dash:! A short but sweet version here.

Onto 1.10.61! And I must say, Vetex has done quite a lot of the story parts here :clap:. The max level cap is now 104. In Chapter 4, Part 35, Escaping the Fleet, has been added. This is not only Part 100 of the story altogether, but finishes off Part 4 of the story :poggers2:. We have been given 3 parts of Chapter 5, though: Sudden Attack, Neviro’s Pledge, and Strange Sound. Awesome sauce!

Now, something even more exciting, the new basic spell replacing Hover: Snare! We’ll see more details about it in just a moment :nod:!

Last version for today! As I said, let’s cover Snare. It’s an area of effect grab in which the user barrages the victim with their magic, ending it by knocking them away. This was designed so that magic users can space themselves out from their opponents; range is the strong point of magic, and this will help them with it :nod:. Super cool :sunglasses:!

There’s still some other good stuff in 1.10.62, though :eye:… Empty bottles are 2x more common from chests and are now obtainable from Sailor Chests, which makes sense to me :+1:. Additionally, when you first obtain Sailor Style, the mentor gives you one empty bottle to start out with.

Before we move on, the second full book in the game has been added, written by techlevel80. Vetex wasn’t too specific on how it’s obtained, though it can be done in the more recent story parts :thinking:. If you look through the credits, you can see some more details!

It seems to be “Volume One” of Morden’s journal :closed_book:, written by Techlevel! New books are very welcome… always nice to see things like this, and it seems there may be more volumes of his journal in the future! Funny that Morden’s keeping a journal… perhaps we’ll find out morden what we can see on the surface :boom:.

Now that we’ve finished all the trello versions, it’s time to move onto some media :video_camera:! First, we’ll start with some pictures NobleSymphony shared with us, both of his files… and his massive fleet of testers :worried:! There’s quite a few accessories and armor pieces he has equipped that we’ve never seen before. Well, unless you watched the long videos, probably.

Now that that’s out of the way, we have our largest leaks yet. The icon for shadow magic, and 99,953,676 galleons :scream::bangbang:! The scale of these images is insurmountable and truly encapsulates the glory of Arcane Odyssey :house_of_worship:.


Next, some super cinematic :sparkles: images of the skill Rain of Arrows posted in testers chat by Doc, and one other, who took the last picture here :nod:! I’ve seen it before, but I don’t remember the original poster. This gives us a look at the different arrow types, as well :eye:!




Nearly finished! All we have left is a few videos, one of them being the main focus of today :eyes:! First, we have yet another gameplay video. These are springing up at quite the alarming rate, I must say :mariomug:. As always, I’m not going to be covering a 10 minute video or however long it is, since that would drain my soul out of my body. Watch it yourself below, though :point_down:!

Last but VERY MUCH not least, the Arcane Odyssey trailer has finally been released! With the game’s early access just around the corner, let’s make sure to take a look at it! I believe it was edited by Roball, with some fantastic music made by Miney (Unless I’m wrong :sleeper:, feel free to correct me). Lots of people, especially those two, truly worked hard on this trailer, so let’s give them a round of applause :clap:!

I was originally going to cover it in detail, however seeing just how many shots there were and the fact that seeing an analysis right after might take away from the trailer, I’ve decided that I’m not going to :sleeper:. However, the most important thing lies at the very end, the release date :poggers2:! It’s set for February of 2023, which is just a month! The game is truly just around the corner, and it’s been exciting to write this since the very beginning of its development :pray:!

That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out :v:!

On Topic!
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Randomness’s Arcane Recap
Posted by @Randomness

We have two topics for today’s On Topic :mariomug:… they’re both basically the same thing though. Randomness has made a better Odyssey Feed by recapping, in two topics, the entire development of the game thus far which I find absolutely amazing :eyes:. The dedication to this was endless, and you should go read this… NOW :zap::zap:!!

Arcane Art!
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Sketchbook Landscapes
Created by @quest5

This is probably some of the prettiest art I’ve ever seen on the forums… people just keep getting better at what they do :chart_with_upwards_trend:! Three individual images, all drawn by quest5, have been presented in this one art topic. The use of simplistic but vivid graphics, beautiful lighting, and the clear passion behind them is quite a feat to behold :tada:! Absolutely incredible.

Writing Wizardry!
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Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 15
Written by @StarForDays

Let’s dive back into the world of Hiring All Villains, by StarForDays :smiling_imp:. Our despicable protagonists face off against a powerful adversary, planning to kill their president (?)… I haven’t kept up too much, sadly :frpensive:. However, the woman they face off against has a multitude of vials full of plot armor, each more intense than the last. It’s quite a fight to read through, so give it a go :nod:!

The Chart!
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Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @GlitchingEclipse! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”48”!

You Open The Scroll…

“23 1 18 16 8 15 5 14 9 24”

First to comment or message me with the answer will get a shoutout next anchor!

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Thanks for reading!
Hop on Baseplate. :100:

It truly has been an Arcane Odyssey.

calling it right now, Wind-Row island’s story event is gonna be our equivalent to Naruto’s Valley of the End fight

huge valley, last place in the story??? theres no way we cant be fighting someone close to us or something

morden bsos fight real???

Morden vs Player


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I said it first ez ezezzzezez
But uhh… chances are it’ll be Morden or some other dude we meet along the journey

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This just gave me a great idea for a new sketch.

if you fucked up the cipher, pretty sure you meant War Phoenix


Fixed. I KNEW I was gonna mess up :sob:.

WARPHOENIX then :wink: gimme that shoutout cuh

Hehe. I oblige.

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Uar Phoenix

i am going to die.

There ain’t no way :sleeper:.

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you wouldn’t by chance happen to know anything of metal magic, right…?

Slight issue, the FINAL boss of the story of the Bronze Sea was on Ravenna, I really doubt they’d make a bigger and better boss right after the FINAL one

W feed as always

I just thought about something.
If I remember right you can change out your fighting styles as you want to with minor penalties.
I know you can switch around weapons, and I know there’s a potion to reset stat points.

Makes me wonder if we’ll be able to go all the way and change magic too.