⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ Potions, Whales, New Islands, Jewelcraft, and More!

Written by Cryonical, edited by DocTheWarBird
Sound Magic!
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The Myriad
Arcane Odyssey Soundtrack

The Hook!
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Hey, this is Cryonical :wave:. Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! Due to my procrastination in the last 3 weeks or so, this anchor will have a lot of content! So just beware of that :skull:. This was a huge mistake. Anyways, let’s begin :+1:!

Screenshot 2023-06-06 1.44.31 PM

The last potion effects have been added quite unceremoniously :fr:. Luck, Slowness, Agility, and Interchange (The stat reset potion) have all been added with their respective tier 1 and 2 reagents, besides interchange, which only has one :nod:. This marks the end of reagent addition, and all the planned potion effects have been added! Of course, it doesn’t mark the end for catalysts quite yet :eyes:.

Next up, we have 2 new sea creatures, Blue and Cachalot Whales :whale:! Both of these spawn rarely on the ocean surface, and make geysers of water with their blowholes! Blue whales attack by blowing water directly beneath your ship, while Cachalot Whales ram into your ship with their head. Not a lot else is known about them, besides a picture of one of them below :mariomug:! This also shows something else that we’ll talk about later on.


New potion type coming up :fire:! The gel type potion has been added, letting you apply the potion effect with your attacks, by rubbing the gel on your hands!.. Which will probably have to be rigorously balanced :sleeper:. Anyways, if we ignore that, this seems like a pretty unique and fun way to use potions. We can probably guess what the catalyst is and how it’s obtained, though.

Here, we can see potions getting to a quite finalized stage! 9 new stats have been added for the brewing and usage of various potions, tracking your alchemy progress :chart_with_upwards_trend:! Though, I won’t list them here, as I am absolutely too lazy.

Speaking of your alchemy progress, potion brewing now has a skill level bar, working basically identically to cooking skill :thinking:! While cooking skill increases based on hunger of the meal, potion skill increases based on the potion’s rarity, and will impact the potency of the potion :mag:.

The trello card for potions has been updated with their completion, so check this out for a quite detailed description of the system :scroll:!

On top of that, Selectorch On Youtube has released a new video, leaking showcasing many potion types and effects :test_tube:. I won’t be covering it here as it’s 249 years long and there would be too much to show, but it’s a lot of new stuff, so take a look!

2 new (and old) islands make their way into the fray :eyes:! First is a revamped version of Palo Town, built by me and Akontio! There may be some issues on release if they aren’t fixed or seen, since I was trying to make major adjustments to the island just before it released, but other than that, we hope you’ll like it :pray:! The new music is fire, by the way.

The second island is something quite interesting; a desert island barely visible in a veil of airborne sand, dotted with cratters, painting a quite somber picture. You could see it earlier in the screenshot with the whale, but another one has come to light :poggers2:!


This island is incredibly interesting, so I hope you guys will make your way to it upon release and discover the secrets it holds :world_map:! There’s also the start of gem crafting :gem:, an inspired feature that’s going to be quite interesting, especially for endgame players! Stay tuned for that :nod:.


Jewelcrafting is a very interesting feature indeed, and I’m about to explain it, so hold on tight :fire:! Jewels, such as diamonds and such (which, as you know can be currently obtained from rocks, some quests, chests, etc. can be used at a new type of crafting station, similar to brewing cauldrons and cooking pots, called a Jewelcrafting Table. There, you insert the gem along with 5 of a reagent to create a Jewel.

The Jewel has a tier when you create it, based on your skill in jewelcrafting, working similarly to that of cooking and brewing :+1:. However, you can upgrade it with galleons even if you don’t have the skill level, which is really nice while still keeping the incentive for leveling up your skill :cold_face:. This jewel has a primary stat, such as power, attack speed, etc. The type it gives depends on the jewel, and the amount it gives is dependent on the jewel’s tier.

You’ll notice, though, that you also insert 5 reagents :eyes:. This creates a secondary effect based on what type of reagent you insert. These don’t directly match with any base stats though, and include things like breath capacity and knockback. It’s slight RNG how much of it you get :game_die:, and doesn’t depend on the gem’s tier. If you insert 5 of the tier 2 reagent instead of the tier 1, it will give more of the effect :mariomug:!

Then, you can slot your gem onto armor and accessory. An item can have from 0-2 gem slots, depending on its rarity and type, and this will display on the item’s icon :ok_hand:. Furthermore, holding shift over the item, like you do with a weapon to show skills and requirements, will show the affixed gems and their stats. To apply a gem, you do so from the inventory, and you can unslot gems from an item for galleons at a jewelcrafting table :moneybag:.

Gems can also be obtained in some new ways, as shown in version 1.12.32… both sealed chests and treasure charts can grant them, and at a quite high chance too, which is great for obtaining these glamorous rocks :sparkles:!

In this screenshot, you can see some of the user interface for gem sockets (And also lots of potions):


And, as you can see, in there was a brand new obtainable journal at the newest island, written by techlevel80 :frhigh:! In fact, there’s another one in the next version, as you can see below:


In the credits page, we can see exactly what these books are :smiling_imp:: the first installment of Neviro’s Journal, probably the one after Unsettling Promise, and General Zaix’s Journal, which I’ll guess is on the new island. What do you think, though? Either way, they were both very nice to read, and upon release, I believe you’ll agree :boom:!


And, very lastly but certainly not least, a photo of the new sea monster created by Akontio, added weeks ago, has come to light :eyes:… Possibly the scariest sea monster that we can find in the bronze sea yet :cold_sweat:. Feast your eyes!


That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out :v:!

On Topic!
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The forum has hit 1 Million posts
Posted by @Divanochi

The forum has seen a lot, from projects of ludicrous scale, to hilarious memes and beloved users, to deep, emotional lore, to… uhm, obscene, ban-worthy posts :skull. I’ve been on the forum for almost 3 years now, and I’ve seen a lot of that :bookmark:! So, upon hearing that the forum has reached 1 MILLION POSTS, I decided it would be simply wrong to not include this :triumph:. The big million is an enormous number and an incredible achievement for our community! So, what are you waiting for? Go celebrate in the link below :point_down:!

Arcane Art!
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AA Webcomic - 4th Anniversary
Created by @LittleShrekSheep

Almost everyone in the community is aware of the Arcane Adventures webcomic :fire:, which is now in its final stages as Juniper reaches the Seventh Sea, and the climax of the story :eyes:. What you might not know is that the comic has reached an incredible four years of being written, from Newground Island to the Cursebeard War. Let’s congratulate Trollus for this incredible feat of dedication, talent, and passion within the community :poggers2:!.. and maybe read some old chapters waiting for the new ones :mariomug:. See if you can recognize some of the characters in this image, a gallery of journeys new and old!

Writing Wizardry!
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Lost in the Dark Sea - An AO Short Story + ARG (With Prizes)
Written by @Crimsonpants

The most red tinted of all trousers makes a completely unexpected addition to the writing category with Lost in the Dark Sea, a well-written, elaborate mystery that unravels itself more as time goes on :mag:. Learn the fate of these sailors, doomed from the beginning, and you can even rack up points for special in-game prizes! It’s so good, it almost makes me want to do something like this :frhigh:! This is truly something special, and it’s still ongoing, so feel free to hop in… if you have the time :nod:!

The Chart!
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Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @sock! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”150 R”!

You Open The Scroll…


First to comment the answer below will get a shoutout next anchor!

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Thanks for reading!
Mimhere Island is real!

Sorry for the long wait :sweat_smile:!

As with bugs, I don’t include monotonous balance changes, so that explains the absence of those. I promised to get this out tonight, so I also didn’t include some of the new notoriety changes, which will be next week.

1 Like

W feed as always cryo
i am not going to answer that riddle

Yooo w feed as always

Look mom I made it!

Just gonna take a random guess…


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I got a bit devious with the riddle :smiling_imp:. Think about it and look through the feed’s contents!

I thought the feeds were over, anyway green is the answer fr fr

First feed I read all the way, very good. as for the riddle, I may be stupid… But I don’t get it. Greer.(Vitality?)?

The grind never ends :sleeper:.

you have no clue how much I want to change the title to:
The Odyssey Feed ~ Potions, Your Mom, New Islands, Jewelcraft, and More!

I’m deciding if I would mind that or not, give me a few centuries.

I read neerg in the tfs dbz abridge “naaaiiilll” voice

The Anchor >>>>> Agora News

I was going to say green but apparently Shadow already got it :frpensive:


man i love readin odyssey feed

i mean…

W feed again, cryonical.

Thanks for the shoutout Cryo! To be honest I wasn’t really sure many people were even reading that!

Always look forward to The Odyssey Feed :fr:

He didn’t get it right. It’s a step in the right direction, though!

The ingame one?

And the forum one too