Sound Magic!
Brave Adventurers
Composed by LawnReality
The Hook!
Hey, this is Cryonical . Welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed! As Arcane Odyssey’s development draws to a close, we still have a lot to look at, and that’s no different this time around
First, something I’m not sure about… dodge velocity is no longer canceled when you hit a wall or part. I have no idea what this means, but I’m sure it makes dodging feel more clean .
Here’s the main event for this version though; a whole new exploration system has been added! Instead of getting XP from discovering new islands, there are now “exploration tasks” for every island that you can see when hovering over them on the map UI… as long as you’ve discovered them.
These tasks vary from island to island, but may include completing quests, opening chests (not all of them on an island, obviously), gathering items, talking to citizens, uncovering buried treasures, and finding secrets! Every time you complete one of these tasks in its entirety, you will get some XP. If you complete all of the tasks for an island, its name will turn gold on the map and you will get even more XP!
Not only that, but if you cover the whole sea with those golden island names, you’ll get a unique badge and title for that sea! In this case, it’s the Bronze Sea Explorer! Here’s the badge icon (Thanks to gamerx123kog#6648 for pulling the image up when I couldn’t find it!):
In the badge’s description, it also shows the name of both the rift, and the confirmation that the new giant island is, in fact, Mount Othrys. Overall, this new feature definitely makes exploring MUCH more exciting, interesting, immersive, and rewarding, and is a giant leap in the right direction for Arcane Odyssey! Of course, it’s been doing that the whole development cycle.
This version is quite a doozy… very long indeed. So, let’s go over it!
First up, we’ve got some territorial business on our hands ! There’s a new button called “Show Territories”. When activated, the perimeter of an island, if under the control of a kingdom or clan, will be highlighted with the color of the organization and the icon
. An island will also display if it is unclaimed or not, and if your clan can claim it at all. A nice feature for knowing your stuff, in terms of both worldbuilding and actual clan wars
Next, some quality of life features ! There is now a return to menu button, which is obviously a good thing for many reasons as previously if you wanted to switch files you would have to rejoin the game
, and there are also various keybinds for different UI elements, including the inventory, inbox, and more! Good stuff
! Wet materials in rain are also locked behind terrain detailing if your PC is on the poorer end, as it can cause lag spikes with all those materials changing. And the clouds that cause said rain, also including thunderstorms and snow clouds, are twice as large now
Let’s review some rather cold changes … the ice material, which you can find on various islands, ice magic residue, and various randomly spawning ice structures are now slippery, which adds that bit of extra immersion! Additionally, the coldest place in the bronze sea, Frostmill
, has a new repeatable quest which might make progressing easier!
Some magic visual destruction effects and sounds have been adjusted to be more tolerable, and placing items, such as cargo, sealed chests, and gunpowder barrels is easier too !
And this brings us to quite an exciting thing: The addition of the tutorial ! 45 tips in total, all appearing in boxes at the bottom of the screen that you can close, display about various game mechanics when you first interact with said mechanics
. For example, picking up a fruit for the first time would give you a text box with a thing or two about them. This is needed for obvious reasons, and I’m sure we’re all glad it’s been implemented
A long awaited change, the twitter codes from the menu have been removed. They were too OP! and since it’s no longer a perfect 9x9, some reorganization has happened, slightly . Another change we’ve known would occur for a while has finally happened too
: Boss Drops now convert into Magius Relic tokens when you join, which are green and gold and can sell for 75 galleons each! I’m assuming they’re tradeable, so that’s interesting
Velocity canceling on high jumping has been removed since flinging, for the most part, has been fixed ! Also, you now gain notoriety for killing players of a lower level than you, which scales with this level gap. Remember that Notoriety is a negative thing and sends Grand Navy soldiers, and bounty hunters by telling them your location, after you
Since the Dark Sea will be very, very bare bones on release and not have any of it’s content (as there isn’t time) , the basic visuals have been added for now! There is a transition when you enter, and unique quartermaster chats warning you
Inside the Dark Sea, there is unique lighting, waves, lightning, and rain . You get more and more insane as you continue to delve further into it. Your compass also breaks while inside, and all types of markers are hidden while inside, making it much harder for you to find your way back
! You cannot receive any types of messages, including world news and server wide announcements, just adding to the immersion!
We have two new tips; one explains boss mirages, where you can fight story bosses as many times as you want for drops, and one that explains the new island exploration system !
The menu has gotten a slight readjustment to be smaller. Lastly for this quite short version, we can now swap spells/techniques to different key slots without having to forget and remake them. This is essential for lost spells/techniques as the scrolls are a one time use for obvious reasons .
One of the longest versions we’ve ever seen! Well, maybe not. But it’s a big one !
The first lost spell, lost technique, and lost weapon has been added! The lost weapon is self explanatory, probably having a unique skill. The lost spells and techniques come in the form of a tradeable, one use scroll. When clicked on in your inventory, it’ll ask you to confirm what magic or fighting style you want to use it on . Then, the spell/technique with its default settings will go into your first open slot in the magic/fighting style you selected, and the scroll is deleted
. It can be further moved around using the new spell moving feature. There’s also extra confirmation when you want to delete it
For the rates ? There is an equal chance to get a lost weapon, spell, and technique, regardless of your build, to promote trading. The chances of getting one of these are: 1/60 from sealed chests
, 1/600 from normal/chart chests, 1/400 from treasure chart normal/chart chests to encourage doing those, and in the future, the dark sea. Some pretty reasonable rates, I’d say personally
Do note, it does not roll these chances separately for each type of lost item, but instead rolls it to get a random one of them . So it’s a 1/600 chance from sealed chests to get a random roll between one of the types of lost item, then rolls further, probably, in the future, for which of these items in the category you get
. Also, similarly to all other spells/techniques, the requirements scale with your second magic/style. You cannot apply the same type of lost spell/technique twice, obviously
Lastly, we have some statistics for these epic new additions: Spell Scrolls Found, Technique Scrolls Found, and Unique Weapons Found (This last one is for lost weapons only, not things like poison tooth dagger). There’s also 2 new hints about them!
Finally, some quick adjustments. XP from sealed chests is increased by 3x, XP from hitting and defeating enemies is divided by 2, XP from player kills is reduced by 30%, and cloud size is slightly larger for undiscovered islands to fill in gaps a bit .
Lastly, let’s talk about World of Magic. It’s been moved to a new place, without your previous data, with an uncapped level ! It’ll stay up for a while, as far as I can tell. Have fun!
The main place, as you can guess, has been closed to prepare for Arcane Odyssey, with all the gamepasses and the thumbnails there!. Lots of very sick stuff to look at here.
Arcane Odyssey [COMING SOON] - Roblox
And… the Arcane Odyssey has had its release date revealed on the Vetex Discord news channel, for February 25th, 4PM EST, which is in just 5 days .
After over 2 years of me writing this newspaper, other people doing projects in the meantime, and others simply waiting, Arcane Odyssey is finally about to release . This is pretty much the culmination point of the Odyssey Feed. I remember writing about the addition of Dawn Island and the temperature system, way back at the very beginning
. Thanks to everyone for reading this newspaper. Don’t worry though, it’ll return… Probably a few weeks after Arcane Odyssey releases
That’s all for today’s anchor of The Odyssey Feed. Peace out !
On Topic!
What was your first Vetex game?
Posted by @Robotstics
As AO is coming out in just 5 days, let’s talk about all of our humble beginnings ! In this topic by Robotstics, they ask just that for the first day in the 5 day countdown! So, what was the very first game by Vetex you played
? For me, it was Arcane Adventures, and I was introduced to Vetex’s game and roblox as a whole by a DanTDM video about that. How about you
Arcane Art!
Flat Design: Ironport
Created by @Tobi
Of course, we have to finish off the pre-release TOF anchors with some art by Tobi , who’s helped us a ton with this newspaper, making some epic logos for us to enjoy! Thank you Tobi
! And here, we can see Ironport from World of Magic depicted in some 2D greatness! A great contrast to the looming release of Arcane Odyssey is to reflect on its predecessor
Writing Wizardry!
A new Odyssey unfolds
Written by @Endmaster
An epic tale presents itself to us, all starting with Eric, a lightning mage, coming to a bar in their hometown, Summer Hold . They’re greeted by a good friend, Russel, who has some shocking news for them; on the other side of the world, a great war is about to unfold in a little known place… the War Seas
! Inspired with a new sense of adventure, they head there… a true Arcane Odyssey
The Chart!
Last anchor’s riddle was solved by @Divanochi! Congratulations for being the first to crack it! The answer was… ”Ravenna”!
You Open The Scroll…
“Limbo (Arcane Universe Location)”
First to comment the answer below will get a shoutout next anchor!
Thanks for reading!
This has truly been a world of magic. |